(NY Times) Debating the struggle of modern parents–Selfish Parents or Selfish Critics?

Many parents today want so much for their children: play space in bars, wide berth for strollers, and tolerance for tantrums in restaurants and airplanes. Other people, with and without children, see much of this as selfish, an imposition without regard for others.

Are modern American parents self-absorbed? Or just doing what’s best for their children?

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Children, Marriage & Family

3 comments on “(NY Times) Debating the struggle of modern parents–Selfish Parents or Selfish Critics?

  1. m+ says:

    I don’t usually pay any attention to the NYT, but the series of articles they have on this subject makes for entertaining reading. As for the parents vs. critics question posed by the headline: I’d say yes.
    American society is very selfish right now. That applies to parents and their critics. I say this as a father of three young children. So the problem isn’t parents or their critics but selfishness/ narcissism in general. I don’t see our cultural selfishness declining anytime soon. At least not without a massive tantrum.

  2. Already left says:

    It seems to me that it’s putting priorities in order. Other people’s needs, wants, etc. should be equal to our own, not far down the line.

  3. Michael Snow says:

    Are modern American parents self-absorbed? Or just doing what’s best for their children?
    One way to anwer that is to see what they are setting before their children’s eyes.