Instead of a common theology, Unitarian Universalists have a set of common values. They believe in the worth and dignity of every human being, she said.
That belief in the individual choice in faith can been seen in a practice known as water communion. In most churches, communion bread and wine start in a common vessel and then are passed out to church members. In water communion, everyone starts with a cup of water and pours it in a common bowl.
“We are bunch of individuals finding our own path ”” but we are doing it as a group,” [Nathan] De Lee said.
Wait a minute…stop the presses. No UU church I know has any sort of sacramental Communion, water or otherwise. Where is this coming from?
It’s called “the mingling of the waters.”
At the UU church here, the main thing they are into is polyandry.
Oops, meant polyamory.
Anyway, it’s a UU “ministry,” at least here. They are way beyond “gay rights.”
Anyway, have a group here practicing Holy Sex. I kind of remember the Apostle Paul talking about this, but I could be mistaken.
UU is the Oakland of religious denominations.
It’s been said before, but it’s too true to be trite: Those who believe in nothing will believe in anything. I can see a friend in Georgia going down this path…her Episcopal church already does a “Celtic” service that’s better attended than the regular service.