Canadian Anglican Bishops meet with clergy to discuss network

Since the Anglican Network in Canada held a conference in late November to announce a new church structure for parishes conservative on the subject of homosexuality, several bishops have called clergy in for clarification of their intentions, but no priests have been disciplined.

Three dioceses ”“ Ottawa, Montreal and Hamilton, Ont.-based Niagara ”“ last fall voted to permit church blessing ceremonies for same-sex couples, moves that some Anglicans oppose.

At the conference, held Nov. 22-23, leaders of the network announced that the Anglican church in South America, called the Province of the Southern Cone, would accept as members parishes that wish to leave the Anglican Church of Canada. The network moderator, Bishop Don Harvey, announced that Canon Charles Masters had been named archdeacon of the network and Rev. George Sinclair prolocutor.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Provinces, Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion)

One comment on “Canadian Anglican Bishops meet with clergy to discuss network

  1. Kate S says:

    St. Alban’s will always be a part of the diocese of Ottawa, will it? Interesting. I will be sure to come back to this post with some more comments after our annual vestry meeting in February…..