S.C. native investigates paranormal while attending college

The great unknown of college life gave Ryan Buell pause when he left his home in Sumter to attend Penn State University. But far more frightening experiences awaited him.

In 2001, while majoring in journalism, Buell formed the Paranormal Research Society (PRS) to investigate the spooky and unexplained.

Now he’s one of the stars of a new A&E network series, “Paranormal State,” which chronicles PRS cases.

We talked with the 25-year-old about the haunted, possession and fate.

How did the Paranormal Research Society come about?

I had an experience when I was young that was frightening. And I didn’t have anyone to talk to, especially growing up in the South. It was especially taboo down there. … I was kind of taught to just forget about it and pretend like it never happened.

When I moved to Penn State, I said, “I want to do something a little more serious,” and I wanted to learn about paranormal investigating. … I researched this and that, and I was surprised there was nothing. So I was left in this predicament of OK, do I wait till one day while I’m in college someone starts something, or do I start it? And so I decided to start it.

Was it a one-man show at first?

It was me at first. … It was kind of a weird thing, and people definitely raised their eyebrows about it. But you know, people came. I was surprised. … And now we have faculty, staff and graduates who are part of it. It’s not just students anymore.

Why do you think people have always shown up?

I think we’ve always had an interest in the unexplained. I mean it’s part of who we are. I’d almost go as far as saying it’s in our DNA. Ever since man was around, we always realized there was a supernatural element to life. Is there a God? Is there an afterlife?… I think that now, more so than ever, people are much more willing to take the time and question what’s out there.

Read it all. I just love that last section–quoting it would be a great way to start an evangelism class or an adult sunday school class on apologetics, for example.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, * South Carolina, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture

3 comments on “S.C. native investigates paranormal while attending college

  1. robroy says:

    Here is the video clip from Ghostbusters with the Cats and Dogs living together speech:

  2. PHW says:

    I saw an episode of this (against my better judgment.) It involved a young child who was hearing voices and the “team” convinced the mother and child that he is in contact with the dead. I was so upset, I could hardly stay in my seat. It was blatant child abuse, and wrong in so many, many ways.

  3. NewTrollObserver says:

    Check out [url=http://alpha.cbs.com/specials/in_gods_name/]”In God’s Name”[/url], CBS, 9 pm EST, Sunday; the Rt Revd Rowan Williams attending.