(CT) Alexandra Kuykendall–Is Fatherhood Fading Out? A Christian response to the boom in absent dads

…we live in a country where too many of us have broken relationships with Dad. In America, 1 in 3 kids live apart from their biological fathers. A recent Washington Post article addressed the dad dilemma with the eye-catching title: The new F-Word ”“ Father. In it, Kathleen Parker addresses a question being asked as we discuss the latest stats on America’s female breadwinners: In the evolving 21st-century economy, “what are men good for?”

Parker concludes:

Women have become more self-sufficient (a good thing) and, given that they still do the lion’s share of housework and child rearing, why, really, should they invite a man to the clutter? Because, simply, children need a father”¦ . Deep in the marrow of every human child burbles a question far more profound than those currently occupying coffee klatches: Who is my daddy? And sadly these days, where is he?

….[and] that’s unfortunately where the church often ends the conversation. We lament the shift in the family structure, express outrage at the latest statistics….[yet we cannot stop there].

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Children, Marriage & Family, Men

2 comments on “(CT) Alexandra Kuykendall–Is Fatherhood Fading Out? A Christian response to the boom in absent dads

  1. art says:

    May we take Eph 3:14ff ever more seriously …!

  2. Adam 12 says:

    With all the “revolutions” going on, the role of men has become more and more confused and blurred. The Bible has something to say about what men are supposed to be, but political correctness seems to rule. The real victims, as always, are the children.