A Profile of Laverne Cox: Trans people should not put their dreams on hold because of who they are

Why do some people have a problem with trans stuff?

I think people have a problem with it because they’re uncomfortable with themselves, about what it means for them to be a man or woman. So it’s “If I was assigned male at birth, does that mean I can’t play with toys that are pink and things that are not seen to be traditionally male?”

The very binary idea of man and woman, it blows it out of the water really. People want to believe gender is something that’s essential, and people repeat these essentialist ideas all the time. “Oh, women do that” and “Oh, men do that” and the reality is that all women don’t anything. We as individuals do what we do, you know, and sometimes that’s informed by gender and sometimes it’s just who we are. And I think all that just makes people really, really uncomfortable because they don’t want to think about who they are.

Read it all.

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, Anthropology, Movies & Television, Psychology, Sexuality, Theology