The Investiture of Foley Beach as new ACNA leader on Thursday Evening

At 7 pm Eastern Time, Midnight London Time

With many thanks to Anglican TV

Read it all and note the livestream link. Also, a brief Atlanta Journal-Constitution article is there.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)

18 comments on “The Investiture of Foley Beach as new ACNA leader on Thursday Evening

  1. SC blu cat lady says:

    The Bishop of South Carolina, +Mark Lawrence, is there! 😇

  2. Terry Tee says:

    I’ve been watching for the last five minutes and found the same chorus/song being sung over and over again. A little too much of a good thing?

  3. Karen B. says:

    Great to see so many Primates there. Incredibly humbling to have them take part when they face so many challenges in their own provinces.

  4. Karen B. says:

    Great to see Abp. Foley’s family get welcomed as well, and the prayer for his wife Alison led by the bishops’ wives. Nice.

  5. liz8450 says:

    Wondering if the program has been posted online anywhere? Does anyone know?

  6. Karen B. says:

    Wonderful that Abp. Foley included the time of prayer for the persecuted church. Amen!

    As he named Primates and Bishops… it got me wondering, does anyone know if any rep. there from CoE (either officially or unofficially?)

  7. MichaelA says:

    Karen, I have heard that the President of the Global South (++Anis) and the primates of Myanmar, Sudan, Kenya, Nigeria, Southern Cone, and Uganda will be there. Rwanda would surely have to be there also.

    I haven’t heard whether anyone at high level from CofE will be there, or even whether they were invited.

  8. Karen B. says:

    Yes, saw Rwanda. It was Myanmar I didn’t recognize, and I wasn’t quite 100% positive about Sudan… Thanks.

  9. Karen B. says:

    Loving the Gospel focus in this sermon. Great call to holiness, evangelism, compassionate outreach…

    Praise God.
    Got to sign off now, but so glad I could watch a good chunk of this.

  10. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Wow – +Greg Venables brought a very warm personal greeting for Archbishop Foley from Pope Francis

  11. Luke says:

    10. Amen!
    I watched the whole thrilling thing, sang when I knew the music. Saw several Bishops I’ve met -+ Duncan; our Bishop, Bill Atwood; Iker; Mark Lawrence, whom I absolutely expected to be there; Bill Murdoch; Mounir Anis; and the head of Canadian Anglicans also.
    Also saw +Abraham Yel Nhial, Bishop of Aweil, South Sudan, a “lost boy of Sudan,” who was mentored at Trinity by our rector when both were there; +A is coming to visit us for the third or fourth time in a couple of weeks – he’s been our house guest on two occasions.

    Saw our rector process in, and then, right in the middle of the sermon as ++Foley was ending his point on reconciliation, the camera caught our rector right in the middle of the image and stayed on him for what seemed like 10 seconds…but was probably shorter.

    7. There was a C of E priest there who spoke movingly about his portion’s respect for ACNA and what it has accomplished, and asked for our continuing prayers for the C of E orthodox.

    What an occasion. Glory be to God, Alleluia, alleluia.

  12. David Wilson says:

    Program is here with all primates, Anglican prominants and ecumentical guests listed

  13. Marie Blocher says:

    Bishop Martyn Minns was there.

  14. SC blu cat lady says:

    So was Bishop Julian Dobbs.

  15. Ralph says:

    Congratulations to Abp. Foley, and to ACNA. Strong leadership needed, and I believe he’s the right person to turn the next pages.

    But…not quite the finest music that Anglicans can offer to God. A cheesy-sounding electronic “organ” and “piano”. A shofar? Then the praise song with guitars and percussion after the Absolution. Then that offertory anthem. Then, the guitar music at the Communion. It was like the shower scene in Psycho – you know you need to turn the DVD player off before it gets there, but you’re frozen, and just cannot.

  16. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    #15 Oh I don’t know Ralph – I enjoyed it. Happy and God-centered and it seemed to me rather appropriate:

    Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
    Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
    Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
    Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord [Psalm 150]

  17. Marie Blocher says:

    My Bishop Felix Orji was there, serving the chalice right beside the Archbishop at Communion!

  18. Georgeb says:

    I was encouraged to see Bishop Philip Jones, Chuck Murphy’s successor with the Anglican Mission in the procession.