Rob K, I agree with you. This is a comprehensive web site and is very well written, but it is assuredly from a Protestant viewpoint. This is not to say that it is right or wrong, only to say that it is Protestant. Also, the 39 Articles are cited as the “official” doctrine of the Anglican Communion. On what document is this so done?
Sancy – I should guess that the “authority” for the citation of the 39 Articles as the “official” doctrine of the Anglican Communion is the suthor’s. Many of the comments offered after quoting the Articles are rehashed Reformed doctrine and ahistorical and tin-eared. Thx.
Even so, either by purpose or accident, the Catholic ontology of the church was preserved despite the efforts of Reformed parties to remold the Church into a Protestant one.
Sounds like you and I are on the same page . . . I have lately been reading something of the life of T.S. Eliot, who described himself as an Anglo-Catholic, and who practiced the Catholic faith within the Church of England. This has great appeal to me.
This is a great website with alot of useful information. Thanks for sharing it.
A good Protestant spin on the Articles and Church history.
Rob K, I agree with you. This is a comprehensive web site and is very well written, but it is assuredly from a Protestant viewpoint. This is not to say that it is right or wrong, only to say that it is Protestant. Also, the 39 Articles are cited as the “official” doctrine of the Anglican Communion. On what document is this so done?
Sandy O’Seay
Sancy – I should guess that the “authority” for the citation of the 39 Articles as the “official” doctrine of the Anglican Communion is the suthor’s. Many of the comments offered after quoting the Articles are rehashed Reformed doctrine and ahistorical and tin-eared. Thx.
Even so, either by purpose or accident, the Catholic ontology of the church was preserved despite the efforts of Reformed parties to remold the Church into a Protestant one.
Maybe the Catholic ontology was preserved by Providence.
Rob K,
Sounds like you and I are on the same page . . . I have lately been reading something of the life of T.S. Eliot, who described himself as an Anglo-Catholic, and who practiced the Catholic faith within the Church of England. This has great appeal to me.