Robert Russ Supports the Mayor of Toledo's Decision

“United we stand, Divided we fall” is a phrase that has been used in mottos, from nations and states to songs. The basic concept is that unless the people are united and one people, it is easy to destroy them.

Politics of division are eating us alive. One need look no further than Washington DC to understand this. No matter what one’s politics might be, how far left or right one leans, no reasonable person can deny that split down the middle and polarized to the max, our Senate and Congress are paralyzed, unable to accomplish anything. Millions of Americans are facing foreclosure. Worldwide the dollar continues it’s downward slide. A war continues that no one seems to know how to win or end. I could go on and on. So whom did Congress have before them this last Tuesday? Well, baseball pitcher Roger Clemens of course. With all these life and death issues, they saw the obvious and urgent issue that needed immediate attention. It’s the steroids stupid.

We Toledoans don’t have to look all the way to Washington DC to see the destructive force that is politics divided. We have it going on right here in our own city. Here it’s not the blue D’s vs. the red R’s. Here it is the A’s vs. the B’s. In a time when our city struggles with all the woahs the nation faces magnified, our leaders take on the obvious and urgent issues that face Toledo. It’s a shower in the mayor installed last year, Scout last month and the Marine miscommunication issue this week…..

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Military / Armed Forces