The Communiqué from the ACNA College of Bishops

We were enriched and strengthened in our apostolic ministries through the inspiring sessions presented by the Rt. Rev. John A.M Guernsey, Bishop of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic and Dean of Provincial Affairs, and the Rt. Rev. Dr. Ray Sutton, Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Mid America (REC) and Provincial Dean.

Bishop Guernsey spoke about the importance of a bishop’s prayer life and accented his presentations with powerful testimonies of the ways Almighty God had answered prayers of faith and vision. We were reminded that Jesus himself instructed the disciples to pray earnestly to the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into his harvest (Luke 10:2). Each afternoon the College of Bishops was enriched by Bishop Sutton’s outstanding and anointed teaching on the office of the Bishop. He presented an historical survey of the ministry of the bishop, highlighting many godly examples for us as we seek to live, pray, love, and minister.

In surveying seven eras in the history of the Church, from the Apostolic Age of the New Testament to the present day, Bishop Sutton challenged the College to recover the best of the apostolic office as it has been revealed in Scripture and experienced in the life of the Church. His presentation concluded with a tremendously stirring call to us to fulfill our vocations….

We gave thanks for the presence of Bishop Mark Lawrence throughout the meeting. Our prayers continue to be with him and the faithful people whom he leads in the Diocese of South Carolina

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), Theology

One comment on “The Communiqué from the ACNA College of Bishops

  1. MichaelA says:

    This is an interesting report. Four things in particular stood out to me:
    [blockquote] “There is an urgent need for the Anglican Church in North America to review our Anglican teaching and enrich our practice in areas relating to marriage. To this end, the College approved the formation of a task force, to be chaired by the Rev. Dr. Stephen Noll, that will work to strengthen marriage by developing a comprehensive provincial marriage initiative.”[/blockquote]

    That sounds wise. The revisionists are loudly attacking marriage, and our negative response to refute their arguments is vital, but it is also important that Anglicans put forward the positive aspects of marriage and the arguments in its favour.
    [blockquote] “We gave thanks for the presence of Bishop Mark Lawrence throughout the meeting. Our prayers continue to be with him and the faithful people whom he leads in the Diocese of South Carolina.” [/blockquote]
    Great to see that the spirit of co-operation and fellowship between ACNA and Dio SC is continuing.
    [blockquote] “We discussed our commitment to multi-ethnicity as an essential element of our life as a Church and our witness to the wider North American culture. We celebrated the advances being made by our growing Latino works as evidenced by Caminemos Juntos, gave thanks for developments among our Asian brothers and sisters as led by Bishop Stephen Leung, and gave thanks for the contributions of African-American bishops, clergy and members of our Church.” [/blockquote]
    From the little I know of demographics in North America, this also seems a wise focus, as these are significant minorities.
    [blockquote] “We have also identified “point bishops” to help facilitate communication and relationships with each of the sixteen provinces where we have many friends and joint activities.”[/blockquote]
    Amen. May these links across the world prosper.