(Post-Gazette) Bishop Robert Duncan retiring from Anglican post

Bishop Robert Duncan on Saturday announced he will retire next year as head of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, seven years after leading conservative churches locally and throughout North America in a historic and stormy break with the liberal Episcopal Church and its Canadian counterpart.

Bishop Duncan last year already ended his denomination-wide leadership of the wider Anglican Church in North America, which formed in the wake of the split. He told local Anglicans that at age 67, he is now also ready to let go of his duties in Pittsburgh. His retirement will be effective June 30.

“As I have said my prayers and sought counsel, it has seemed to me like the work I was called to do is as complete as it can be,” Bishop Duncan told hundreds gathered for the diocese’s annual convention at St. Stephen Church in Sewickley.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)

2 comments on “(Post-Gazette) Bishop Robert Duncan retiring from Anglican post

  1. MichaelA says:

    I wish him all the best.

    Its not just Pittsburgh – in an earthly sense, ACNA would not exist without Bob Duncan.

    Good to see +McConnell of TEC putting in a gracious word as well.

  2. Luke says:

    I was blessed when at Latrobe to have had the opportunity to exchange a few words with +Duncan, to shake his hand, and to thank him for his five years of service as our Archbishop as ACNA came to life.

    Hearing and meeting for a few moments with such leaders is incredibly inspiring to such as we laymen.

    God bless him and Mrs. Duncan for all their efforts since he joined the episcopate, and for his initial leadership of ACNA!