[Andrea Williams] Archbishops' response to LGBTI Activist is a missed opportunity

…We are surprised that the Archbishops, in a letter about repentance, make no mention of repentance from sexual practice outside of one man, one woman marriage.

What we are seeing within the Anglican Communion is a persistent push to redefine God’s teaching on marriage.

This letter was another opportunity for the Archbishops to demonstrate appropriate leadership by reaffirming and promoting God’s clear vision for marriage. Instead the letter suggests that the fundamental issue is an ‘ongoing conversation’ as yet unresolved, implicitly suggesting that God has been unclear.

The role of the Archbishops is not to facilitate conversation but to teach the truth, refute error and discipline those who depart from God’s pattern in either teaching or lifestyle.
The letter seems to indicate that there is already acceptance of homosexuality within the Anglican Church. The matter, then, is already decided, and the ‘conversation’ is merely a matter of persuading those defending ”˜tradition’ to either concede or be isolated ”“ in the name of ‘unity’…

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, --Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

One comment on “[Andrea Williams] Archbishops' response to LGBTI Activist is a missed opportunity

  1. Marie Blocher says:

    Way to go Andrea!
    We need to take a page from those activists’ book and repeat the Truth loudly and often, until they realize we aren’t going to go away, or change our moral standards, because the Truth is what it is.
    Repeat and Repeat until they get the message.