Living Church: Conservative Dissent Wears Down Texas Priest Stan Gerber

The situation became untenable at Good Shepherd, Fr. Gerber said, after the House of Bishops’ meeting in New Orleans last September. In October, a majority of the vestry insisted on having the congregation participate in a discernment process over its future. Instead of the more-typical 40-day process, Fr. Gerber said he and the diocese worked out a lengthier version that originally was supposed to last beyond the election of a bishop coadjutor next month. A parish referendum scheduled to occur April 13-20 was terminated early, Fr. Gerber said, after the diocese insisted on knowing which way he intended to vote.

Fr. Gerber said he anguished over his decision, which was made even more difficult because he believes he was treated fairly by the diocese and because of the many friendships he has built during 19 years of ordained ministry. Good Shepherd dedicated a $2-million parish hall on Palm Sunday. Fr. Gerber said the diocese offered to provide the parish temporary financial assistance if the loss of members and income after the vote put the Episcopal congregation at risk of default on the mortgage payments.

In the end, Fr. Gerber said he realized he had more in common theologically with Anglicans outside The Episcopal Church than he did with those inside it. Instead of a parish referendum and more consultation, he and the diocese have agreed on a short announcement during Sunday services about the new congregation. St. Timothy’s Anglican Church will hold its first service the following Sunday in a nearby high school auditorium.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Conflicts, TEC Departing Parishes

43 comments on “Living Church: Conservative Dissent Wears Down Texas Priest Stan Gerber

  1. robroy says:

    The full Living Church Article is [url= ]here[/url]. The up, up, up statistics of the parish is [url= ]here[/url].

  2. Jody+ says:

    [blockquote]In the end, Fr. Gerber said he realized he had more in common theologically with Anglicans outside The Episcopal Church than he did with those inside it.[/blockquote]

    That’s a difficulty he shares with many orthodox… one look at the HoBD list serv or any national publication conveys that and the biases revealed therein are, more than anything else, what make it difficult to be an orthodox priest in the Episcopal Church, even in a non-hostile or even orthodox diocese.

  3. APB says:

    Cheers for the vestry. Quite a comparison with others I have known where even discussion was banned, as was any effort to keep the members informed.

  4. jamesw says:

    I seem to recall a reappraiser poster insisting recently that this was all entirely clergy driven. This story seems to disprove this.

    the Rev. Stan Gerber was usually willing to volunteer, but when more and more members at his growing congregation began threatening to leave if he did not take action over the perceived failings of The Episcopal Church, Fr. Gerber said he reluctantly agreed. His last Sunday as an Episcopal priest will be April 13.

    This story jives much more with what I have heard on the ground.

  5. Jeffersonian says:

    In a healthy organization, men like Gerber+ would be summoned to 815 to find out how to arrest and reverse the hemmoraging of membership in TEO. Instead, 815 does everything it can to alienate and repel such men and their parishes.

  6. Carol R says:

    Wow! Impressive growth! Something good must be going on there. God Bless them!

  7. Sir Highmoor says:

    Highway robbery is what the Episcopal Church is getting away with or I should say the devil. Taking church property that was paid for largely by those who will be leaving and the benefit of its sale to those who stay.

  8. Larry Morse says:

    The headline and the substance of the article are clearly contradictory.
    It wasn’t that conservatives wore him down but that he realized his ties were with the conservative elements of his church and he joined them freely. Strange. Larry

  9. AquinasOnSteroids says:

    It will be interesting during our final day. Bishop Wimberly could have avoided all of this mess.

  10. aggie says:

    Erik, #9, you’re right. [b]ALL[/b] of this could have been avoided by the HOB choosing a Christian for PB and choosing to follow Jesus instead of man, or woman. Or maybe Don Wimberly behaving as a man of God instead of . . . As it is, the TLC story doesn’t quite jive with [b]my[/b] understanding of events. I’ll admit, up front, that I was not present at the vestry and other meetings. I [b]could[/b] be wrong. It wouldn’t be the first, or last, time! hehe

    Whatever, St. Timothy begins on 4/20. May God bless the remaining at Good Shepherd and us at St. Timothy! We all need His blessing.

  11. MargaretG says:

    It sounds like the buildings are new (in fact from the report below in the Jan 2008 it is not even finished – let alone paid for) and very heavily mortgaged — so the diocese may not be getting the prize that it usually does. In the February 2008 parish report debt servicing was $151,692 — not an easy sum to find if your congregation walks off — and there was an overall deficit after this of $91,000 odd.

    The April 2008 parish report states that they have got:
    Financially speaking, we were at $553,000 of the
    original $1,439,000 pledged at the beginning of
    March. [/blockquote]

  12. AquinasOnSteroids says:

    [10] Gene, yup you’re right too. See ya at church.

  13. Henry says:

    It’s so sad that it has come to this. You have a strong, growing parish with a stong, Christian leader, that ends up having to split and leave because because the “church” just keeps pushing them harder and harder to shape up or ship out. Fr. Stan is a good man and has worked hard to keep his parish together–my prayers are with him.

  14. BillK says:

    A vestry initiated resolution was passed in March 2007
    Setting a course of realignment that many thought would be embraced by the diocese “Camp Allen” “Windsor” Bishop. Fr. Gerber tried to work within the TEC diocese until some recent very ugly meetings with diocesan staff which he was gracious enough not to mention in his interview. After several families in the church decided to leave last fall, a rather long discernment process was started to keep them on board in hopes that ABC, diocesan or TEC action would make the split unnecessary. Sadly, the diocese and TEC are moving away from solutions that would make orthodox episcopalians feel thay have a place under the “big tent.” I think that the prayer and discernment studies that took place since advent transformed both the clergy and lay parishoners. In my view, the discernment process was led by the Holy Spirit rather than the clergy or the vestry. I would have left sooner, but learned a lot about what it means to work through difficult issues as part of a community.

    I pray for my parish family, those who are embarking on a new journey in a church without walls, and for those who have decided, for now, to remain affiliated with the Episcopal Church. God will bring us together again someday.

  15. aggie says:

    BillK #14 has the best take on the matter, IMNSHO. Thanks!

    Aggie, Class of ’70
    [url=]An Anglican Firearms Enthusiast[/url]

  16. R. Eric Sawyer says:

    As another Tomball Episcopalian, though not at Good Shepherd, my prayers are certainly with all at St. Timothy, those remaining at Good Shepherd, and indeed all the people of God in these tumultuous times.
    My own rector, who I have great reason to trust in the Lord, has supported Wimberly strongly (I have not spoken with him about this matter), and I have at least withheld my more vociferous criticism out of deference to him. But I strongly expect that the time for any “middle” approach is rapidly waning, if not already gone. Even if the words and intent are conciliatory and moderate, full of good will for all, events and times will push actions to be radically yes or no.
    [i][url=]R. Eric Sawyer[/url][/i]

  17. AquinasOnSteroids says:

    Bill is so right on the discernment process. It most certainly was Holy Spirit-guided. We talked, laughed, and shared. It most certainly was God’s time. My wife and I certainly enjoyed it. Fr. Stan is one of the most Godly men that I have met in my walk with God and to see him treated like this is a travesty. Though I wish the people that are staying no ill will, they are blind to what is going on in the national church. Totally blind. Either that, or they want the national church to come in and take over. Be that as it may, St. Timothy’s will be our home next week.

  18. Belle says:

    We have finished our last Sunday service as members of The Episcopal Church of The Good Shepherd and out of respect for both Fr.’s Stan & Craig, I have refrained from commenting until now.

    First, Bishop Wimberly’s announcement to the diocese is posted on another site, the short of it is that he and the diocese have been working “intimately to help” Fr. Stan and Good Shepherd parish to remain faithful to the Episcopal church. His spin is generally seen as generous – do not be deceived, the word “help” is relative.

    We were asked to please remain and be the voice of orthodoxy for the diocese, yet the Bishop did not think making a public statement to his own diocese in support of the covenant process would be helpful.

    We were asked to make a presentation to the corporation with regard to the issues of property, a professional appraisal was made and a very fair offer was prepared to purchase the existing property and maintain the new debt, upon which the board did not hear, rather they chose to chastise those delegates present for having entered the discernment process. In fact, the diocesan position is that it would be poor stewardship to allow the breakaway congregation to purchase what they have already paid for and maintain the $2.5 million note (I’m sorry, I have a master’s degree in finance and I must have missed that lecture). Everything we were asked to bring to the table was resoundingly refused.

    Now, the week before our parish was to enter it’s non-binding referendum, the Bishop’s office has inserted itself into the process in order to circumvent any vote on the matter. I suppose it depends on your definition of helpful, but personally, I do not find pressuring the clergy to renounce their holy orders under Title III as “strictly an administrative matter” (which neither priest has done) or threatening to invoke Title IV inhibition and deposition for abandonment of the communion as particularly helpful.

    But then, this is our most senior, Windsor bishop…

    How prophetic was it that today’s gospel reading was that of the Good Shepherd…..

    Props to BillK, Wilkie, Aggie and ErikC for keeping the spirit.

    We’ll see you in church next Sunday at St. Timothy’s Anglican, 9:30 am, Tomball Junior High School. Ya’ll Come!

    [i] Slightly edited by elf. [/i]

  19. AquinasOnSteroids says:

    To #18 Belle, Darlin, I wish I knew who you were at church this morning. I would have grabbed you and gave you a Spiritual Kiss for standing firm in the faith. What a sad day to say the least. My husband Erik has been an Episcopalian all of his life. I on the other had, have had the joy of many denominations over a 49 year span of time. Thankfully God has chosen to save me for this day. Talking about profetic, the scripture readings could not have been better if we had choosen them our self. Please read 23rd.Psalm, 1Peter2: 19-25 and for the Gospel, John 10:1-10. What a day this was. When we went to hand in our resignation letter to the Canon Andy Doyle, all we got was a humpf, no hello, no can we talk latter, no why are you leaving. Just a HUMPF!
    And also, it is amazing how a church such as ours has had stedy growth over the past 15 years where other churches in our area are loosing members. The Dioces will be so supprised when half the congragation is gone a few Sunday’s from now. But remember, no matter what, God will not be mocked, and also God is a jelous God.
    Now, that we have left, lets not be like Sara of the old testiment when she was admonished not to look back at Sodom and Gomorrah, she was turned into a pillar of salt! Let The dead bury thier dead. But pray for the remainer of the faithful left behind that they to may see how they have changed our precious rites into a meaningless ritual. God can not remain where He is not welcomed and worshiped.
    Mrs. Erik C

  20. bob carlton says:

    In Texas, Stan Gerber is what we call a stand-up kind of guy. If I were in need, I’d look to folks like Stan to satnd up for me & those I love.
    More than 20 years ago, I worshipped with him & his family at a predominately gay church in Dallas. Stan’s family was the backbone of that faith community, always loving & caring for folks in need. I was lucky enough to be in a men’s group/Bible study with Stan, his brother Robby, Henry Pendergrast and two openly gay men who went on to be Catholic priest. I learned how to be a Chrisian man from many of these conversations.

    The struggles behind a story like this are complex & painful. My prayers are all around Stand, his family, their community and all those who struggle with hard choices.

  21. BillK says:

    Today around 540 people attended Good Shepherd for Fr. Stan’s last Sunday. The ASA is around 400. He received a standing ovation for about 5 minutes in the service I attended after he was allowed to say a few words (not a sermon). It was OK because the readings were a sermon in themselves. The diocesan representative did a double take when the mostly empty offering plates were brought to the alter. You can prevent folks from having a vote, but you can’t stop them from expressing their opinion. St. Timothy’s will need to gather a lot of chairs to set up at Tomball Jr. High, maybe we should bring some from home. Service starts at 9:30, come early.

  22. HLP says:

    Bob (#20),

    Those indeed were great days when ministry to one another was pastoral rather than political. I grieve over the loss of them.

    You said it well. Stan Gerber was a good shepherd long before he was ever ordained. As Bishop Terwilliger, an unsung hero, told me when I was entering the ordination process: “Jesus will make you a priest and the Church will ordain what Jesus has done.” I believe Jesus was forming the heart of Stan for priesthood from the moment of his birth.

    By the way, the group you mentioned, The Sons of St. Joseph, still exists and Robby Gerber and I continue to be a part of it.

  23. lag0417 says:

    After 30 years, and with many tears, I said goodbye today to the place where I took my first communion as a child, was confirmed as a teenager, married almost 10 years ago, and baptized two children in the past four. And why? Because we choose to remain faithful to all of those vows and promises we made to God during each of these events and every Sunday in-between. Vows that the TEC thinks secondary to an oath of loyaty to them. However, the last few months have made me realize that your church home isn’t the building but ultimately the people you share your faith with. In the end, it was almost a relief to walk out and realize that in our new home, we will be accepted rather than scolded like wayward children for holding fast to beliefs that the TEC seems to have abandoned. The actions of our diocese in the last week only cemented the decisions of a few hundred parishoners with the realization that we were fighting a losing battle with the TEC. In fact, I no longer feel sorry for all of us starting anew, but rather I worry for my former church family staying at Good Shepherd, still clinging to the hope that somehow it will all go back to the way it used to be. If Good Shepherd is as empty next Sunday as the plate was this morning, I pray that diocese will finally understand that yes, several hundred people are willing to walk out on a building full of a lifetime of memories (and tithes!) to stand up for what they believe.

    God Bless Fr. Stan, Fr. Craig, and all of the people who worked around the clock to find us a home, offices, and numerous other things when we found out on Tuesday that we would only have this one last Sunday at Good Shepherd. See you next week at St. Timothy’s!

  24. johnp says:

    There are plenty of stories left to tell in this saga and I suspect we will tell them once the dust settles, but for now I would just like to thank God for leading us to this place and giving us the opportunity to grow together in our relationship with Christ. Father Stan and Father Craig have been steadfast in preaching of the Gospel and those members of our new St. Timothy’s parish have been faithful in their discernment and response to God’s call…I look forward to serving God with each of you as we move forward. It surely seems like we are in that resurrection season of Easter and I am not quite ready to look back at the hard times of Lent for more self-examination…perhaps next week.

  25. texasgal says:

    To those new St. Timothy folks, and to Fr. Stan and Fr. Craig:
    You were sooooooooo covered in prayer Sunday, and the weeks leading up to this. Most of us in our congregation know what you’re going through, and we love you and support you.

    You can’t yet imagine the freedom of worship you will fill – even in a school auditorium – when all that other “stuff” hovering over your head.. This will be a glorious Sunday .. and more and more to come!

    God bless you all for your faithfulness and courage.

    To those that stayed: We continue to pray for you also, as we do the rectors and those still in the congregation we left.

    Interesting times .. God is doing AMAZING things!


  26. texasgal says:

    Geee, I hit the submit button before I proofed ..

    ….. meant to say “withOUT all that other “stuff” hovering over your head”

    … and of course you FEEL, not FILL .. the freedom of worship..

    .. going back to my hole now .. LOL

  27. jims06hog says:

    #18 Belle, I agree with you, and my good buddy Aggie. Bishop Wimberly can care less about us ( my opiniue ). Every church that I am aware of that scheduled a vote never had one! To me that shows that neither KJS or Bishop Wimberly wish to hear what the members have to say. Shame on them! We have voted with our feet, as they will carry us to a REAL BIBLE based church in Tomball Texas……….The new St. Timothy’s!!! Onward Christian Soldiers!! We will see the faithful this Sunday. God Speed

  28. jims06hog says:

    Also I wish that we all take note that Fr. Stan & Fr. Craig are some of the bravest men of today as they both held there heads high and one could see the conviction they held in their hearts and both were willing to face whatever is ahead knowing that they have done the right thing, and they are TRUE men of Christ and will spread the gospel not only by speaking it to all, but also by being an example of it to all. What we are undertaking may not be easy, but it is the RIGHT action that we must take. Each parish member at St. Timothy’s voice is important to The Shepherds there. These men have core beliefs and convictions above others, and second to none! God speed………

  29. servantboy says:

    I am so very proud of all those who stepped out of the boat and kept their eyes on Jesus. You will now enjoy a worship that is rich, full and meaningful without the big “institutional monkey” on your back.
    As an ex-vestry member and former Sr. Warden in another Texas parish, I must say, my ministry within the Episcopal church was truly impaired as I could not with clear conscience fulfill the Great Commission while remaining in this heretical denomination.
    Bringing seekers into the Episcopal church, I knew, would expose them not only to the political ranker between progressives and orthodox, it might well have caused unsound doctrine to seep into their souls. This my friends, would be a crude dereliction of my responsibilities as a disciple of Christ and could very well have doomed those to an eternity separated from our creator.
    Please be assured all you faithful of St. Timothy’s Anglican Church, Christ himself released you. You have obeyed your master and savior.
    Our prayers have been, are now and will be with you. God speed brothers and sisters in Christ.

  30. jims06hog says:

    On Sunday 4-13-08 I gave Rev. Andy Doyle a letter explaining my frustrations and had a few short questions about TEC & what the “new” beliefs are. I invited both him & Bishop Wimberley to contact me with response. I gave my Phone numbers, add. etc. Here is a small part of the letter…”why do you follow the cannons on some decisions, but not on others. The destruction of the Episcopal Church comes from within. Look around you. You will see it…but will you ( or the Bishop )take a stand & be vocal about the wrongs that are so blatant. You should remember that your position does not make you right, your education only gives you theory, where as the application of that in real life will not be an easy road at times, If you do not attempt to correct wrongs, then you become at fault and you too are part of the problem. Basic Christianity is under attack, and the official word from the church is you will not even defend the essence of the biblical teachings from what is known to be wrong. ”
    Well you guessed it .. no one even bothered to call… and I’ll bet that they won’t. Perhaps TEC could take their Bibles and tear out the pages that they do not support, believe in , or ones that make them uncomfortable. I feel that they would have a very, very small book! I shall remain a squeaky wheel and call it as I see them until they either admit they are wrong or they can show me that it is now okay for everyone to anything that they want, no matter the hurt & damage to themselves and others, which any child knows is WRONG. They know where I am and how to get in touch with me. If for some unknown reason ( or one they make up! ) I can always get a message at St. Timothy’s Anglican Church in Tomball Texas. May GOD have mercy on their souls, just for calling themselves “Christians” It is past time for all Christians to let themselves be know to the total population of HIS earth.
    Jim…” The squeaking wheel!!!” May we continue to be near our LORD and Saviour!!!

  31. Gayle says:

    To Fr. Stan & Fr. Craig and all the people at (now) St. Timothy’s, please know that you have been in my prayers for several months. And I will continue to keep you all in my prayers, as a part of my heart will always be with you. As I was worshipping in my blessed little EMC parish here in Austin, my heart was with you all in Tomball as I listened to the readings for Good Shepherd Sunday. And I cried a little, thinking about how much of our own lives had been played out in that space and that it was an end of an era….in that nave. One of my fondest memories is of another Good Shepherd Sunday when Fr. Stan was preaching on Psalm 23 and Fr. Mike was acting as a heckler in the congregation.
    At least, now I can worship and receive communion when I come to visit.
    I wonder why Wimperley Wimberley forced the situation now? It was my understanding that Good Shepherd had agreed to postpone the vote until after the election of the new co-adjutor. I wonder if Kate is putting pressure on all remaining instituionalist bishops to prevent any votes from being taken. It’s interesting that the ultimatum came so shortly after the ruling in favor on the churches in Virginia. Think about it.

  32. Belle says:

    Gayle – see #18 above for answers to some of your questions. The parish vote was to take place starting this weekend. It was a nonbinding referendum so that the vestry could discern the will of the parish. The vestry offered to defer their decision until after Lambeth but that was before the March HOB meeting hosted by our own Bp. Wimberly. It was also before the Bishop decided to circumvent the process by calling Fr. Stan to make a command performance. There was never a question over the property, we were not going to fight for it so the rulings in Virginia had nothing to do with our situation. We did offer to buy the property, but the diocese’s response was that they would sell to anyone but us. I personally think that if the Bishop had let our parish complete our discernment process without interference, the diocese would be left with a fairly viable remnant. However, his inserting himself into the process has backfired and pushed more people out the TEC door. I also think the Bishop intended to make an example of us in an effort to dissuade other parishes from entering the discernment process. Bishop Wimberly truly believes that the only way out of TEC for clergy is inhibition and deposition. But we are following Jesus – who knows his flock by name and leads them away.

  33. fish'n says:

    On behalf of Fathers Stan and Craig, it is with great Joy that I share the following Web link for St. Timothy’s and the announcement of services on Sunday the 20th to all those looking for a home…

    Join us as we celebrate our first Sunday together!

  34. jims06hog says:


    I’m still here Cannon & Bishop… I won’t go away. I still need attention….”SQUEAK….SQUEAK…

  35. CrusteeBaguette says:

    Jim – I doubt very seriously that you will receive a response that will answer any of your concerns just like the vestry did not receive a comprehensive response from Bishop Wimberly or Cannon Doyle when they sent the requested letter spelling out how Good Shepherd wanted to disassociate from TEC. And I think the silence speaks volumes.

  36. jims06hog says:

    SOME QOESTIONS THAT THE Bishop SHOULD RESPOND TO TONIGHT: “why were you not here to talk with us last Sunday, or for any other Sunday where you could explain why there are such drastic changes going on in TEC? Am I too understand that a lot of the Biblical teachings I received from Deacons, Priests, and Bishops of TEC were all wrong? Core religious beliefs are under attack and you have not defended them, why not? I have been wrong in life more than once. I admit to all that I am a sinner. I try to make things that I have done in the past right by not doing the same again, pray for forgiveness. I have learned years ago that when a person commits a “right” act, that they must be ready to “pay” the consequences. That is so true today. I truly wish that both Bishop Wimberly and Cannon Doyle “catch on” while they can still make a positive difference. Bishop Wimberly is to commended for the Churches that he has helped establish. None were Episcopal that I know of. There are now 7 new Anglican Churches that are in thanks to Bishop Wimberly for showing us the “right” way. I believe that Bishop Wimberly speaks with a “forked” tongue. I have been told that he takes all this personally, and shows anger readily when others dis-agree with him. I do not have any reason that I can think of to support anyone that will not hear the wishes and direct questions of a viable and growing parish, particularly when they are in “charge”. I do not care to be lied to by anyone. Nor do I care to be led by”men” that cannot stand up for what is right. Weak people should not be in leadership roles, no matter their education, training, or who they maybe friends with. If you think for one second that the bishop cares about you then you need some mental health help. Shame, Shame on both the Bishop and the Cannon. I will stand for the Bible and how it has been taught correctly for the many past years until my last breath. I will defend Christianity with my life if need be. I am here, I am not going away. All other true believers… it’s time for you to TAKE A STAND!!!

  37. jims06hog says:

    There were only 556 or so at St. Timothy’s Anglican Church this past Sunday, Oh well we will have others join that are truly Bible based belivers. Hey Bishop, you will not sell us the church that we have already built and paid for up to a week ago, then how about giving us a price for the Cathederal that you make these bad choices from. Soon it too will be on the block because of weak people that can not take a stand for the Bible. Shame on you.

  38. JandM says:

    My husband and I are former members of Good Shepherd. When we moved to the area in 2000 we visited several churches in the area for a couple of months. We kept coming back to Good Shepherd, not for the buildings, but for the spirit. In 2004 we moved to the south side of Houston but kept our membership at Good Shepherd for another 2 years because it still felt like home. Our last visit to Good Shepherd was the Sunday after Easter. Again, it felt like coming home. The spirit of the people, the Christianity of the clergy, the true love and friendship of the laity are all reasons we always felt loved and welcome. Two weeks later while worshiping we heard the announcement that Good Shepherd was having their last service with Fr. Stan as rector. It hit me like a ton of bricks. We knew the voting was to begin that day and to find out that the Bishop circumvented that and sent Doyle to do his dirty work brought me to tears. The rest of that day and the following week had me in mourning, not for what was given up but for realizing that my beloved Episcopal church was no longer the church I have loved all of my life. God bless you all. We hope to visit soon at St. Timothy’s. Fr. Stan and everyone else who has stood up for what is good and right, we send our love and prayers.

  39. jims06hog says:

    I hope to see both of you soon at St. Timothy’s in Tomball (at Tomball Jr. High 9:30am every sunday)J&M;. The very same people that greetedyou so warmly are the same one’s that will greet you at St. Timothy’s, although they may be smiling a little bit more for they know that their religion and it’s core is not to change with the weakness of some that were thought to be leaders of our true and real faith. St. Timothy’s welcoms you and yours, we welcome all to come hear the words of GOD as they were intended to be3 heard. to words spoken at St. Timothy’s are very simple, and just the truth, as it was written. Nothing changed, twisted , misunderstood for centurys, just GOD’S word.AMEN Myview on this whole scam…. “If it ain’t broke…Don’t fix it!

    [i] Slightly edited by elf. [/i]

  40. jims06hog says:

    After reading the Texas Episcopalian, May 2008 I see that Bishop Don Wimberly has stretched the truth so for by his use of words that mean “nothing” that it almost sounds good. Almost, but if you were there you know that he has once again soiled the creditability of Episcopal Bishops. More trust should be placed in any used car salesman that has spent time locked up for purgery. Even the photos are segued. The new senior warden addressing a full house, why that room will hold about 300 people plus! The photo that is inset shows a mother feeding HER OWN CHILDREN. I hope that Bishop Wimberly will soon begin to relate and express the truth, as this was NOT the WHOLE TRUTH. I will admit that it was a well written article, but with very little factual information whatsoever. On reading this “story” and knowing the truth, the Bishop would receive an “F” if this was a school paper…elementary school. How about a change??? “Squeak…Squeak”

  41. texasgal says:

    Time to move on, Jim. Squeaking is getting you nowhere.. B.Don doesn’t care, and to what end is all this squeaking? It’s wasted energy. Energy that should be used worshipping our Lord!

    Just as the Lord told Lot to leave S&G;and not look back, it’s time for us to enjoy a full worship in the Lord, WITHOUT the TEC monkey on our backs. Take it off your back, and keep your eyes on Jesus! Don’t look back.

    Shake the dust from your feet, shut the door behind you, and move forward in YOUR walk with the Lord. Look at B.Don through the eyes of Christ, and pray for him.
    17But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. 18They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” 19These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.
    20[b]But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. 21Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. [/b]

    22[b]Be merciful to those who doubt; 23snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear[/b]—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.

    In His name…

  42. jims06hog says:

    # 41, You are right. I have let my feelings of the situation be known.
    I am thankful for the comment. I will adorn the “helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness” and pray that I only use “the sword” granted to me when the need is apparent. Thank you and all. “Onward Christian soldiers….”