The Bishop of North Dakota Writes His Diocese

As one whose responsibility it is to guard the faith, unity and discipline of the church, let me be clear. The diocesan policy I uphold is not one of my own invention or devising. Rather, it is the teaching of the Church for 2,000 years as derived from the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. It is based on the order of creation as recorded in Genesis and reasserted in the Gospels when Jesus says: “From the beginning of creation ”˜God made them male and female.’ ”˜For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’” (Mark 10:6-8).

Obviously, there have always been people who for one reason or another are unable or unwilling to live by this standard. These “exceptions to the rule” are matters of personal conscience between the individual and God. They do not, however, supplant or replace the traditional teaching of the Church, which until recent times was unquestioned as the behavior expected of all Christians.

The Episcopal Church and the other churches of the Anglican Communion have traditionally held together the Liberal, Catholic and Evangelical wings of the church by common worship and a common relationship with a bishop in the historic succession. This theoretically provides us with balance, correction and comprehension for the sake of truth.

What we are seeing in our national church and in other parts of the Anglican world is Liberals moving out on their own without benefit of the moderating and balancing effects of Catholic and Evangelical perspectives.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), TEC Bishops, TEC Conflicts

11 comments on “The Bishop of North Dakota Writes His Diocese

  1. JC Olbrych says:

    Well said, Bishop Smith. Hang in there.

  2. Brian of Maryland says:

    Uh Oh… is this Bishop next?

  3. Islandbear says:

    I know Bishop Smith. He wants to be both Anglican and Episcopalian — and increasingly difficult balancing act. I suspect (in answer to Brian) that there will come a time when his orthodox beliefs will set him at odds with the Episcopal House of Bishops. His predecessor is one of our North American Church of Uganda Bishops.


  4. Cennydd says:

    I would be very surprised if Bishop Smith ISN’T in KJS’ sights.

  5. Now Orthodox says:

    This bishop is correct……marriage or celibacy. The liberals have made SEX their god (little “g”) for they are willing to sacrifice NOTHING of themselves for our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ. Such a pity, for God through our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ can transform our lives in divine fashion. The libs only wish to transform opinions and secular laws.

  6. Now Orthodox says:

    I continue to pray for you and other anglicans who have decided to remain. My wife and I have found safe haven in the OCA and are moving toward Chrismation.
    Peace be with you!

  7. episcoanglican says:

    Interesting. This kind of response by the bishop would never have been necessary before. But now this moderate bishop is holding the new line — for now.

  8. Cennydd says:

    Now Orthodox, we are in very good hands with +John-David and ++Gregory at the helm.

    May God’s peace be with you!

  9. Eutychus says:

    “They do not, however, supplant or replace the traditional teaching of the Church, which until recent times was unquestioned as the behavior expected of all Christians.”

    I don’t know if the word traditional is necessary. This is the teaching of the “church” period. Regardless whatever any denomination or group says, this will always be the teaching of “The Church.”

    It is the voice of the one who has come to kill, steal and destroy who we are listening to when we hear anything else.

  10. Adam 12 says:

    #9 Thank you – well put.

  11. John Floberg says:

    During Holy Week of this year an allegation was made by a member of this
    ListServe that Bishop Michael Smith of North Dakota violated the Canons by
    not Licensing a Priest to serve in the Diocese. Bishop Smith requested an
    investigation to be made by the Presiding Bishop to determine if this charge
    were true. The following is posted on North Dakota’s blog:

    NORTH DAKOTA: Bishop Played by Canonical Rules not to Hire Lesbian Priest

    A message from Bishop Michael Smith
    May 19, 2008

    Dear Friends:

    We must no longer be children…But speaking the truth in love, we must grow
    up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ… (Ephesians

    Two months ago, news items were published in the secular press concerning
    the licensing of clergy as well as my expectations regarding the sexual
    behavior of clergy: “Faithfulness for those called to marriage and
    abstinence from sexual relationships for those not called to marriage.” As
    one might expect, this was the topic of much conversation on blogs around
    the country.

    I try not to pay too much attention to these things, but one statement by a
    well known Episcopalian on the House of Bishops/Deputies listserv was
    troubling to me: “Bishop Smith is in violation of the canons of The
    Episcopal Church.” I did not think this to be the case but realized, if left
    unchallenged, some might believe it to be true.

    Therefore, after consulting with the Chancellor, I requested an
    investigation by the Presiding Bishop, in accordance with Canon IV.3.23(c),
    of “rumors, reports, or allegations affecting [my] personal or official
    character.” I am grateful to my colleagues, Bishop Nedi Rivera (Olympia
    Suffragan) and Bishop Porter Taylor (Western North Carolina), for providing
    the necessary canonical consents.

    In a letter dated May 7, 2008, the Presiding Bishop wrote to me. In part it

    “I have caused an investigation to be made of the charges your letter asked
    about…My Chancellor, David B. Beers, conducted the investigation…We are
    all agreed that you do have the canonical right to license or not license
    this priest, and have acted appropriately in the matter. We find no
    canonical violation.”


    +Michael Smith,
    Bishop of North Dakota

    Canon John Floberg, C1
    North Dakota