The Blue Screen of Death Appears on the Laptop

That’s the BSOD to computer geeks, and if you do not know what it means, be thankful.

This will mean less capacity for blogging until the problem is diagnosed and fixed–KSH.


Posted in * By Kendall, * Culture-Watch, Science & Technology

15 comments on “The Blue Screen of Death Appears on the Laptop

  1. fatherlee says:

    Let this be a lesson to you – get a mac!

  2. Br_er Rabbit says:

    Thank the Lord, I haven’t seen a blue screen of death in years. And no (sob), I don’t have a Mac.
    [size=1][color=red][url=]The Rabbit[/url][/color][color=gray].[/color][/size]

  3. oldnarnian says:

    Hah! For a dime, I can get you a better OS that will probably run on that laptop, and I’ll make 10 cents in profit.



  4. Jennifer says:

    I always thought it was PBSOD – Pretty Blue Screen Of Death!

  5. BillB says:

    #3 I’ll second that. Having a Live Linux CD (one that boots to an operable system) is a good way to trouble shoot to see if it is a hardware or software issue.

  6. justice1 says:

    One word: Macintosh

  7. WilliamS says:

    #1 and #6: Amen and amen!

  8. bushwacker says:

    Go Apple!!!!! You’ll never be sorry. Baby apple person (3 months)

  9. justice1 says:

    Mac user since 1990. No BSOD ever. Plus you can run Accordance Bible software. A must.

  10. Ed McNeill says:

    Upgrade time! Yes. So don’t waste any money on repairs. If your laptop is out of warranty you’re better off slapping the drive on a sled and migrating it to your new shiny laptop. If the drive is cooked, well then just grab your back up…you did back up right? Definitely go Mac Hardware is cheep compared to the cost of your data. Hours and hours of work singing the blues…

  11. Boring Bloke says:

    #3 and #5 Amen, amen and amen. Plus with the right version of Linux, you don’t even need to install your Bible study software: it comes with the OS.

    Linux user since 1999. No system crash ever, except when I dropped a laptop on the floor and broke the hard drive. And even then, I still managed to recover my data.

  12. John Simmons says:

    #1, #6, #7, #8 & #9 Alleluia!

    (Mac User since 1983)

  13. libraryjim says:

    I was bloggin, just as happy as I could be
    Ev’ry day was a blogging day for me
    Then bad luck came a-knocking at my door
    Icons were bright but they’re not bright anymore

    Blue screens
    Staring at me
    Nothing but blue screens
    Do I see

    ‘puter screens
    Coming up blue
    Nothing but bluescreens
    All day long

    Never saw the comments plodding along
    Never saw things going so wrong
    Noticing the news hurrying by
    When you’ve got blue screens, my how I cry

    Blue screens
    Staring at me
    Nothing but blue screens
    Do I see

    (with apologies to Irving Berlin)

  14. Boring Bloke says:

    And look at it this way, Kendall. If you switch to a Mac or Linux, not only will you get a better experience, but you also won’t be supporting abortion.

  15. Boring Bloke says:

    That didn’t quite work as planned.