(Church Times) C of E General Synod votes signal a shift in power, campaigners say

Two motions seeking changes in the pastoral care of LGBT people passed comfortably at the General Synod last weekend. The move is being taken as a sign that the next three years — set by the Bishops for the production of a new teaching document on same-sex relations — will not function as a moratorium on change.

Asked to endorse a statement signed by professional bodies con­demn­ing conversion therapy, mem­bers proved willing to go further, carrying an amended motion that called on the Government to ban the practice. A motion asking the House of Bishops to consider pro­­ducing a special liturgy to mark gender transi­tion was carried in all three Houses.

Although votes on amendments were closer, the final motions each passed by 127 to 48 in the House of Laity, where much of the opposition had been focused.

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Posted in Church of England (CoE)