A 2016 First Things Article by Carl Trueman about Evangelicals and Trinitarian Doctrine

Many readers of this blog will be blissfully unaware of a storm that erupted recently among conservative Protestants over the doctrine of the Trinity. For those interested in the details, Christianity Today offers a good account of the issues here. As the dust now settles, it is clear that a number of influential evangelical theologians have for decades been advocating a view of the Trinity that radically subordinates the Son to the Father in eternity and often rejects the idea of eternal generation. They have used this revised doctrine of God to argue for the subordination of women to men in the present, in a manner that has at times had terrible pastoral consequences.

What this recent debate has revealed is that conservative Protestantism is fundamentally divided on the identity of God. Some conservative Protestants hold to the ecumenical doctrine of the Trinity as expressed in the Creed of 381; others wish to use Nicene rhetoric but actually hold positions that run counter to that Creed. Reactions to this revelation have varied—from serious and constructive engagement to bewilderment that anyone would regard a complicated doctrine like the Trinity as being of any importance. So what are the implications?

It seems clear now that the evangelical wing of conservative Protestantism has been built on a theological mirage. Typically, evangelicalism focuses on Biblicism and salvation as two of its major foundations and regards these as cutting across denominational boundaries, pointing to a deeper unity. But now it is obvious that, whatever agreement there might be on these issues, a more fundamental breach exists over the very identity of God.

Read it all.


Posted in Evangelicals, The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

One comment on “A 2016 First Things Article by Carl Trueman about Evangelicals and Trinitarian Doctrine

  1. Katherine says:

    Thank you for posting this. Some of these people might want to read Bishop Allison’s book, “The Cruelty of Heresy,” one more time. What we believe about God and eternal things does affect what we do in this life.

    I see no need at all to subordinate the Son to the Father in order to argue that men and women aren’t exactly the same and have slightly different roles in the created order.