Leaving church tough for many, not just Obama

It took weeks of political pounding before Barack Obama finally renounced his membership in Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee spoke of the anguish of leaving his church family, where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright had given incendiary and racially charged sermons.

Peg and Bob Green of St. Petersburg are empathetic, even though they’re Republicans.

“We’re not Obama supporters, but in this instance, I feel for him and his family,” said Peg Green, who left First Presbyterian Church in St. Petersburg three years ago for St. Thomas Episcopal Church.

“I know it’s a decision that’s not as easy as some may think.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, Parish Ministry

One comment on “Leaving church tough for many, not just Obama

  1. Ad Orientem says:

    I can definitely agree with this article from personal experience. Leaving the Roman Catholic Church for Orthodoxy was one of the hardest decisions of my life. It was also the right decision and one I have never regretted. But it took many years before I was able to take the plunge.
