Episcopal Church Deputies’ President Briefs Council on Regional Initiative

Representatives from five Anglican provinces and two other dioceses are participating in regular conference calls for the Anglican Churches in the Americas initiative said Bonnie Anderson, president of the House of Deputies, in opening plenary remarks to Executive Council on June 13 in Albuquerque, N.M.

In addition to The Episcopal Church, the planning group for the Feb. 22-29 event in Costa Rica includes representatives from the provinces of Brazil, Mexico, the Central America region and Canada. Representatives from the dioceses of Cuba and Uruguay are also participating, Mrs. Anderson said.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC)

2 comments on “Episcopal Church Deputies’ President Briefs Council on Regional Initiative

  1. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Hmmmm, no outcry from the bishops of England about western Global North conferences aimed at schism. This would be the short list for the episcopal communion is my bet. Too bad, of course, that the AC refuses to acknowledge the handwriting on the flags of the last GC, the new thang (c) gozpell, and the financial ties that bind. These folks do, from the empowered laity represented by Anderson and the in power and unaccountable Executive Committee, lay and clerical. Must be adiaphora, eh?

  2. midwestnorwegian says:

    Anything with Ms Anderson involved is bound to stink to high heaven.