NY Times: California Braces for ”˜New Summer of Love’

The groom was shopping for the perfect diamond for his betrothed ”” the other groom. As Rey Almeida, a 47-year-old elementary school principal, perused the Equality Forever rings (a same-sex wedding special at 40 percent off if purchased from June 16 to June 26), he couldn’t help reflecting on the symbolism.

“We’ve been waiting for the right moment,” Mr. Almeida, 47, said of marrying his partner, Alan Pex, a 46-year-old accountant who was initially as standoffish as Mr. Big on “Sex in the City.” “Now there’s the possibility of a ring, a ring that says, I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you.’ ”

California is gearing up for the “new summer of love,” as it is being dubbed here: the legalization of same-sex marriage beginning at 5:01 p.m. Monday.

Unlike in Massachusetts, California’s new law does not limit marriages to residents of the state, thus resurrecting old postcard images of California as the promised land….

Read the whole thing.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, --Civil Unions & Partnerships, Law & Legal Issues, Marriage & Family, Religion & Culture, Sexuality

6 comments on “NY Times: California Braces for ”˜New Summer of Love’

  1. COLUMCIL says:

    Rather, promise me this isn’t happening, that’s it’s all a bad dream. Like the shoes that [VGR] wore the other day. Not happening, really, is it?

    [i]edited by elves[/i]

  2. Larry Morse says:

    But it IS what’s happening and we had better face it and declare in no uncertain terms that the war is on, and it is to the bitter last stroke.
    TEC is not simply misguided; it is, if I may say so, the dark side of the Force. These are not unhappy misguided people, they are bad people who wear white hats which only good guys are supposed to wear. Will Lambeth speak to this issue? Will it take up arms against these “ignorant armies which clash by night”? Or will it drink tea and adjust the lawn sleeves with impeccable care and taste? Larry

  3. TLDillon says:

    Come Lord Jesus, Come! And forgive them for they truly know not what they are doing!

  4. Bill Matz says:

    Very misleading comment about no residency requirement. Regardless of any statutory silence, matters of domestic relations have long been governed by the law of the state of legal residence (domicile). A state can no more marry non-domiciliaries than it can divorce them.

  5. Intercessor says:

    “WOW! Just think of all that money for our economy!!”
    All California elected officials who care not nary for the souls of the citizens.

  6. Brian of Maryland says:

    You folks are not alone. The newly elected ELCA Bishop in Northern California sent out a letter that essentially gives Lutheran pastors of his Synod permission to conduct same-sex marriages. Sigh …
