A Second ENS article on Gafcon

Refuting claims that GAFCON is about schism, Iker told ENS that the conference is “all about a renewal of confidence in Anglicanism.”

Ackerman told ENS that some of the bishops at GAFCON will also be attending the Lambeth Conference. “If this is a rival to Lambeth, nobody told us,” he said.

During his address, [Bishop Suheil] Dawani underscored his commitment to the Lambeth Conference, emphasizing that the once-a-decade gathering of bishops, set for July 16-August 3 in Canterbury, England, “is so important to our ongoing life together and for the mission of the church.”

Read it all and note the link to Bishop Dawani’s whole address.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, GAFCON I 2008, Global South Churches & Primates, Israel, Middle East

10 comments on “A Second ENS article on Gafcon

  1. Cennydd says:

    I find it puzzling why, if +Dawani claims that the Church in his region is so “orthodox,” he “invited” +Rob O’Neill of Colorado…..who is so demonstrably a revisionist and therefore NOT orthodox, when KJS said that she sent him as her “representative.” And why send +O’Neill, and did +Dawani specifically ask for him? Somehow, I think not!

  2. Cennydd says:

    Or is this a not-so-subtle attempt to divide and rule?

  3. Alice Linsley says:

    The Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem receives financial help from TEC. He wants unity and reconciliation more than he wants to suffer for the sake of the Gospel (unlike his patron Saint George).

  4. azusa says:

    He also has a right old battle on his hands with ex-Bishop Riah over ownership of diocesan property.

  5. Phil says:

    “Among GAFCON’s participants are … several former Episcopalians, some of whom have been consecrated as bishops in other Anglican provinces but are not officially recognized as such by the Archbishop of Canterbury.”

    Not officially recognized – like Gene Robinson?

  6. robroy says:

    Here is a story about Dawani’s “enthronement”. Bruno of LA, Sisk of New York and Gayle Harris of Massachusetts were the representatives of the TEO. Does Dawani want it known that he gets his lucre from arch-homosexualists?

  7. Cennydd says:

    Since his diocese is under TEC, +Dawani does as he’s told.

  8. wamark says:

    At best there are only 6,000 Anglicans in this diocese…having just been there in February…and the Bishops there, much to the dismay of some of their membership, is squarely in the pocket of TEC and its greenbacks. But as the dollar continues to sink along with US power and prestige under an Obama presidency things may begin to change and they will have to look elsewhere to prop up their rapidly shrinking diocese.

  9. Cennydd says:

    So is it any wonder that +Dawani acts the way he does? I probably would do the same if I were in his position, and my next pay check depended on doing as I’m told.