Archbishop of Canterbury's position is 'almost untenable', says gay American bishop

A leading Anglican gay bishop has described the Archbishop of Canterbury’s position in the church as ‘almost untenable’.

The Right Reverend Gene Robinson, the American churchman whose appointment as a bishop triggered a devastating split among Anglican leaders, said that Dr Rowan Williams now faces condemnation whichever way he turns.

But he insisted he had great sympathy with the embattled Archbishop and pledged to support his efforts to keep the warring sister churches of the Church of England together in the 400-year-old Anglican network.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Archbishop of Canterbury, Episcopal Church (TEC), Lambeth 2008, TEC Conflicts

13 comments on “Archbishop of Canterbury's position is 'almost untenable', says gay American bishop

  1. Jeffersonian says:

    [blockquote]He said that Dr Rowan Williams now faces condemnation whichever way he turns. [/blockquote]

    He’s right, and it’s no one’s fault but that of Dr. Rowan Williams.

  2. flabellum says:

    I thought Dr Williams had said that Gene Robinson would not be given permission to preach in England. Is this direct defiance by the Vicar of Putney? Can we expect the Bishop of Southwark to do anything about it?

  3. Jeffersonian says:

    #2, this would be a good time to deploy the “ROFLOL” smiley.

  4. Crypto Papist says:

    [blockquote] A leading Anglican gay bishop [/blockquote]
    Wait, isn’t he [i] the [/i] Anglican gay bishop? No, wait! He’s just the li’l ol’ Bishop of New Hampshire.

  5. midwestnorwegian says:

    Untenable…and he’s going to raise as much hell at Lambeth (about not being at Lambeth) that it ain’t going to get easier any time soon. Rowan – resign. NOW.

  6. Katherine says:

    Sure he’s sympathetic. That’s why he’s in England raising the maximum possible fuss and drawing attention.

  7. Katherine says:

    I see on several threads the question about why VGR is allowed to preach. I believe he has been refused permission to celebrate the Eucharist, but the Archbishop has no authority to prevent him from preaching wherever he is invited.

  8. flabellum says:

    [blockquote]Gene Robinson has not been banned from preaching in England. This is technically correct. Williams doesn’t have the authority to ban Robinson. However, Robinson told Williams several years ago that he would not preach without Williams’ permission. Williams did not grant it. And in an email he sent to Robinson earlier this week he said that he did not think that “any extenstion” of the previous arrangement “in terms of permissions” would be appropriate because any public celebration “or even a sermon” would create controversy for Williams and whichever bishops gave Robinson permission to preach.
    [i]Posted by Jim Naughton on May 2 2008 [/i] Episcopal Cafe[/blockquote]
    So what has changed Mr Naughton?

  9. rugbyplayingpriest says:

    Mr Robionson is here to get the world to look at him. Most of all he wants people to get angry and shout at him and hurl insults. He is so verry desperate to play the martyr card.

    The very best response to this self indulgent heretic is to ignore him. Please do not feed the live troll.

    Alas someone disrupted his sermon yesterday. Either he was a stooge- which I doubt- or else he played directly into their hands.

    IGNORE HIM and he will look very silly indeed. Certainly his words thus far have been so far removed from what I understand Christianity to be that it is almost laughable. He would NOT pass my confirmation course – and that has nothing to do with sexuality.

  10. libraryjim says:

    Maybe he’s just going to address groups AFTER the services in the fellowship hall, and at civic groups?

  11. nwlayman says:

    [i] Comment deleted. Commenter is warned. [/i]

  12. C. Wingate says:

    My, we’re getting rather rude here.

    And folks, were Rowan Williams to resign, who would the PM propose for his successor, but someone as close to KJS in policy as possible?

  13. nwlayman says:

    Come now, I was only suggesting that there is disagreement about the doctrine of Robinson’s Real Presesnce.