Reuters: Anglican archbishop urges Church to address divide

Anglican leader Rowan Williams has urged bishops to address the deep divisions in the Church at a summit boycotted by a quarter of them over the ordination of gay clergy.

“We must be honest about how deep some of the hurts and difficulties currently are,” the spiritual leader of the world’s 77 million Anglicans said of the Lambeth conference being staged in the English cathedral city of Canterbury.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Archbishop of Canterbury, Lambeth 2008

11 comments on “Reuters: Anglican archbishop urges Church to address divide

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    How ironic. On the one hand, ++Rowan Williams claims that the deep divisions among us must be honestly faced, and yet, OTOH, he has designed a conference that is clearly intended to AVOID precisely that.

    He can’t have it both ways. And when someone’s words aren’t consistent with their actions, we know which to take as the real reflection of what they actually think.

    David Handy+

  2. Jeffersonian says:

    The wounds were always deep, but they weren’t always sporting gangrenous infection. That required studious inertia and a concentrated effort of undermining conciliar responses on the part of a certain Archbishop of Canterbury, the very same Archbishop of Canterbury who convoked said councils.

    Pace #1, the Archbishop of Canterbury seems to pride himself on holding two incompatible premises as valid in his mind, perhaps a touch of vanity, pride in how very clever he is. It appears to have gotten to the point that be believes two incompatible premises [i]must[/i] always so coexist. Yet, in the real world, infection and thriving flesh do not live well togther. He had better wake to the idea of either curing the infection or witnessing a lot of amputations.

  3. stabill says:

    NRA (# 1),
    He can’t have it both ways. And when someone’s words aren’t consistent with their actions, we know which to take as the real reflection of what they actually think.

    Look. We know what he has written in the past as an academic. We also know that he has been rather scrupulous in trying to speak for the Church rather than using the position of ABC to propogate his views.

    He deserves the support of those of us who wish the WWAC to emerge in good shape.

  4. Daniel says:

    What I resent the most is the moral equivalence that Rowan imputes to both sides. IMHO, it is the graciousness and civility of the reasserters, over the last 30+ years, that have enabled and emboldened the revisionists to constantly force their agenda on everyone. For Rowan to state that both sides are roughly equivalent is both disingenuous and clueless. If Rowan expects the agenda driven crowd in TEC to act with British sensibilities and decorum, he is sadly mistaken. It reminds me of the British army, marching forward in formation, clad in their scarlet tunics, being cut to pieces by fire from the muskets of Americans during the Revolutionary War since the Americans didn’t fight like a proper army should.

    And no, I am not demonizing or dehumanizing the revisionists. They are sincere, dedicated, and totally committed to their agenda. It just happens to the wrong agenda at the wrong time, and does not lead to life.

  5. Br. Michael says:

    Stabill, if he hadn’t lied and actively worked to undermine both Dar es Salaam and the pirmates I might have agreed with you.

  6. stabill says:

    Br. Michael (#5),
    if he hadn’t lied and actively worked to undermine both Dar es Salaam and the pirmates I might have agreed with you

    Lied? What lie?

    Undermine the primates? I don’t think so. My understanding from the Press is that at the end of the meeting in Dar es Salaam there was a minority group among the Primates, corresponding pretty much to those who are boycotting Lambeth now, who were demanding concessions that they did not get from him.

  7. Br. Michael says:

    Remember the sub group report? Folks, let’s remember what happened and not let stabill and others rewrite what happened!!!

  8. stabill says:

    Br. Michael (#7),
    Remember the sub group report? Folks, let’s remember what happened and not let stabill and others rewrite what happened!!!

    Am I wrong in thinking the subgroup was a minority corresponding pretty much to those now boycotting Lambeth?

    Can you refresh our memories about what happened?

  9. dwstroudmd+ says:

    stabill, selective amnesia? Do you recall Schori agreeing to the Dar es Salaam agreement and flying home to renig on it? Do you think the militant imperialism of the HOB response in March 2007 prior to the HOB NO meeting was repentance or request for forgiveness? Do you think it possible to construe other than by sheer force of will an apology out of “gee, we’re sorry you feel that way”?

    There are medications to assist with memory, nowadays…….

  10. Br. Michael says:

    Stabill, the ABC wrote the sub-group report that exonerated TEC. The Primates had nothing to do with it.

  11. Baruch says:

    ++Williams is very consistant, he lies.