Bishop George Packard Chimes in (and a response from yours truly)

Nevertheless, the process is catching “the direction of travel” as the conservative Bishop of Winchester described it…and I don’t think he was being kind. Despite the bishop’s worry this document is not an enthused advocate for gay and lesbian progress. Lambeth 1-10 from 1998 remains on the books (homosexuality is at odds with Holy Scripture) and it looks like we might be extending the moratoria as a “season of gracious restraint.” That cessation refers to the blessing of same sex unions, ordinations to the episcopate, and incursions by other bishops across diocesan boundaries.

There was a workshop called “The Devil is in the Details” which I missed. There is much rightful buzz about making sure about what is the difference between “authorized liturgies for same sex unions” and “suggestions” from the bishop’s office. Further, since there is already a moratorium observed in the American Church when, they hasten to ask, will these roaming bishops cease and desist?

A hot button for the Africans has been equating the practice of polygamy and the current challenge to accommodate homosexuality in holy orders. “We have never allowed persons in such a state to enter positions of leadership,” they say. The Archbishop of York (an African) said his grandfather set his wives apart with property when he became a Christian and said Americans were “chasing butterflies” with that argument. Perhaps it was a lull from the seagulls but even I understood that the comparison was not of substance but of process. Christianity has always acquired new ways of adapting to the time. Males aren’t required to be circumcised before becoming Christians anymore. Apparently there was an accomodation for polygamy, so would the Church do that for homosexuality?

Read it all. One’s mind boggles to read reflections like this. Already a moratorium observed in the American church? Hello? There were two moratoria called for and they are NOT being observed in the Episcopal Church as Gene Robinson had the honesty and forthrightness to say AFTER the House of Bishops New Orleans meeting in September 2007 (and which the report wrongly evaluated). [As the Bishop of California amply makes clear in a post below on the blog today, one moratorium is not being observed today in the diocese of California and will not be after Lambeth 2008]. There was NOT accomodation for polygamy but temporary accomodation for polygamists spouses out of genuine compassionate concern, and this was with church members never church leaders. And, no, circumcision is not the same. One wishes Bishop Packard could have a long conversation with, say, the Archbishop of Jos about such things–KSH.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Lambeth 2008, TEC Bishops

3 comments on “Bishop George Packard Chimes in (and a response from yours truly)

  1. AnglicanFirst says:

    An Anglican diocesan bishop is supposed to be a mentor of his priests. In matters of theology, doctrine and tradition, that means that he is responsible for ensuring that their priestly utterances and actions are consistent with “…the Faith once given….”

    By his utterances, this bishop seems to be in need of mentoring in “…the Faith once given…”

  2. Creighton+ says:

    There is no moratorium. It is a lie.

  3. Jeffersonian says:

    Maybe TEC’s grandees got confused by that second moratorium request and thought everyone was asking for a mortorium on the moratorium.