American sceptisim over Lambeth Conference

Former civil rights activist Cox, 87, the oldest man in the history of the American House of Bishops, was one of two bishops ceremonially ”˜deposed’ ”“ or stripped of office ”“ three months ago, despite his age and the fact that his wife has Alzheimer’s.

His faithful congregations were thrown out of their churches, and he suffered financially.

Worse, according to Turley, is that Jefferts Schori in her deposition speech to the House of Bishops asked the bishops assembled ”˜to continue to reach out’ in pastoral care to both the Rt Rev John-David Schofield and Cox.

“Abandoning the Communion of this Church does not mean we abandon a person as a member of the Body of Christ,” Jefferts Schori said.

Cox told British-based Lapido Media that there has been no single contact, or even telephone call, to confirm his welfare.

“As a matter of fact I haven’t heard anything from her or any of her friends. Nonetheless, I have not had any kind of disparaging conversation about her with anybody. I have not even spoken ill against the two bishops who brought charges against me. I have just let it go because I know where my faith is and I have stated that.”

Cox was ”˜deposed’ on March 12 this year for crossing diocesan lines in ordaining two priests and a deacon in Kansas at the request of the Bishop of Uganda, Henry Orombi.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Lambeth 2008

15 comments on “American sceptisim over Lambeth Conference

  1. Ad Orientem says:

    [i] Heroism is the brilliant triumph of the soul over the flesh, that is to say over fear: fear of poverty, of suffering, of calumny, of illness, of loneliness and of death. There is no real piety without heroism. Heroism is the dazzling and glorious concentration of courage.[/i]

    -Henri Frédéric Amiel (+1881)

  2. Jeffersonian says:

    [blockquote]”Abandoning the Communion of this Church does not mean we abandon a person as a member of the Body of Christ,” Jefferts Schori said.

    Cox told British-based Lapido Media that there has been no single contact, or even telephone call, to confirm his welfare.[/blockquote]

    Say what you will about the Presiding Plaintiff’s ankle-deep theology, the gal knows her Machiavelli up and down, inside and out.

  3. ElaineF. says:

    [blockquote]Brian Turley, 51, twice a Fulbright Scholar, former Professor at the University of West Virginia and now priest in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has accused Dr Rowan Williams of being ‘elastic’ with the Gospel, and of replacing the demands of love with ‘tolerance of anything’. “What you are left with is endless conversation,” he said, speaking from his parish, the Church of the Holy Spirit.[/blockquote]
    Hmmm…very succinctly put.

  4. William P. Sulik says:

    Mendacity thy name is Jefferts Schori.

  5. AnglicanFirst says:

    “Anglicanism is going to survive but differently. The Gafcon group, because of demographics and growth is going to become Anglicanism.

    “There’s good in that but problems as well. It would be better if the moderates would align with the orthodox conservative wing of the church, but Anglicanism is by definition a broad church.

    “I don’t think a formal split is occurring. I do think the Global South is going to continue on its way and the rest of the church will have to show it is ready to align with it.”

    I believe that the ultimate fate of ECUSA will not be to be “pruned” from the vine but to ‘wither’ on the vine.

    GAFCON represents the vibrant and growing portion of the vine while that part of the Anglican Communion that is turning/has turned away from “…the Faith once given…” represents the diseased and dying portion of the vine.

    The root of the vine remains firmly implanted in “…the Faith once given….”

  6. Larry Morse says:

    Imagine deposing Cox! This is so absurd. It is like excommunicating a dead man. It becomes mere posturing, the self-indulgence of the power-drunk. LM

  7. Little Cabbage says:

    Here’s another reason for ‘skepticisim’ on Lambeth (or the HOB or TEC): The Diocese of California (or, rather, San Francisco) is heavily advertising the joys of same-sex marriage becoming legal in California, and inviting such couples to ‘take your relationship to a new dimension, a spiritual dimension’ and urges them to come to TEC for, among other things, ‘blessings of marriages’….

    It’s a big, splashy, expenisive campaign. According to the diocesan website, the first to donate funds for it were two (surprise-surprise) homosexual priests. From the wording, one would understand that they are ‘married’. That’s right, they’re ignoring any sort of ‘moratoria’. S’prize, s’prize! Google Episcopal Diocese of California and you’ll be assaulted with this stuff.

    Lambeth was a disgusting waste of time and treasure. TEC will NEVER discipline its bishops, and this ABC won’t, either. All they did was punt the ball further down the field, closer to that blessed day when they are allowed to retire in glory and start cashing those fat pension checks for which WE have paid!

  8. CanaAnglican says:

    It’s Limbo time — How low can you go?

  9. Robert Dedmon says:

    Does no one tire of endless Anglican contoversy?
    Does anyone have any responsibilities awayfrom

  10. Robert Dedmon says:

    Let me try again.

    Does no one tire of endless Anglican contoversy?
    Does any one blogging have real parish responsibilities?
    Is anyone willing to give up politics for personal
    At long last, I no longer have time to read this
    stuff. Who really, really cares?

  11. William P. Sulik says:

    This lady calls to mind something Mary McCarthy once said about Lillian Hellman:

    Every word she writes is a lie, including [i]and[/i] and [i]the[/i].

    Sue me too, Ms. Jefferts Schori.

    William P. Sulik
    once a member of Holy Spirit Mission Church in Tulsa.

    [i]If someone had told me, don’t say anything about Lillian Hellman because she’ll sue you, it wouldn’t have stopped me. It might have spurred me on.

    – Mary McCarthy[/i]

  12. montanan says:

    It says he “suffered financially” – has he lost his pension or health insurance?

  13. APB says:

    Dean Dedmon,

    Why do you assume they are mutually exclusive?
    Everybody who loves the Lord.

    Remember, very few are privileged as you are to serve in a faithful diocese. Blogs serves the same purpose as did letters in NT times, and the samizdats which were passed around in the old Soviet Union.


  14. Choir Stall says:

    Disgraceful and impetuous behavior by our HOB and its current leadership. If people in the pew actually had a look at this there would not be much toleration. As it is, the Schori curia meets and acts in the shadows.
    How many “enemies” of the “Communion of this Church” will it take before sense returns?

  15. Ross says:

    I have to say that, even though I’m generally on ++KJS’s side, the deposition of +Cox was over the line. Diocesans who attempt to take their dioceses out of TEC are one thing, but retired bishops who do a couple of ordinations for extra-provincial groups are another. The HOB might have been warranted in noting for the record that it didn’t approve, but deposition? That’s far too big a hammer for the circumstances.