Some Protestants find spiritual appeal in natural family planning

Phaedra Taylor abstained from sex until marriage. But she began researching birth control methods before she was even engaged, and by the time she married David Taylor, she was already charting her fertility.

Taylor, a fresh-faced 28-year-old who would blend in easily with South Austin bohemians, ruled out taking birth control pills after reading a book that claimed the pill could, in some cases, make the uterus uninhabitable after conception occurred. She viewed that as abortion, which she opposes.

“I just wasn’t willing to risk it,” she said.

Taylor wanted her faith to guide her sexual and reproductive decisions after marriage. Natural family planning felt like the best way to honor God, she said.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Marriage & Family, Other Churches, Religion & Culture

3 comments on “Some Protestants find spiritual appeal in natural family planning

  1. CofS says:

    I find this so encouraging! As a convert to Catholicism who believes the teaching of the Church, it has been so discouraging to see the over-whelming disbelief of cradle catholics.

    I’m reminded of the prophecy (concerning salvation) in Romans that “a hardness has come upon [the Jews] until the full number of Gentiles has come in”, and then the Jews will be saved as well.

    Praise God for all the wonderful ways He works!

  2. Avin Fernando says:

    I do think it’s sad though how little attention so many people seem to care about birth control issues. My wife and I used NFP when we were first married due to agreement with the Catholic teaching (we are Episcopalians) but since then have decided to abandon using any method of birth control at all, being open to however many children God blesses us with. It maddens me how many other young couples I know who are also opposed certainly to the possibility of abortion but seem to not care because NFP is just too “inconvenient”.

  3. stjohnsrector says:

    My wife and I taught NFP through the Couple to Couple League
    I think this is especially interesting since it is ++Rowan himself who stated in his correspondance that since the Church approved the use of contraceptives, changing the nature of the marital embrace, then it opened the door to homosexual relations being justified.