What we are is a set of walking contradictions: our inner lives are not partitioned like day and night, with pure light on one side of us and total darkness on the other. Mostly, our souls are shadowed places; we live at the border where our dark sides block our light and throw a shadow over our interior places. . . . We cannot always tell where our light ends and our shadow begins or where our shadow ends and our darkness begins.
–Lewis Smedes, Shame and Grace: Healing the Shame We Don’t Deserve (New York: HarperOne, 2009 ed. of 1993 original), p. 116
Food for Thought from Lewis Smedes in #Lent ‘What we are is a set of walking contradictions: our inner lives R not partitioned like day+night, with pure light on 1 side of us+total darkness on the other. Mostly, our souls R shadowed places…’ https://t.co/rTbpmsfzOb (Amazon) pic.twitter.com/8Gk2CdO5L4
— Kendall Harmon (@KendallHarmon6) March 9, 2019