Benedict XVI: Friendship with Christ is our Greatest Treasure

Benedict XVI affirmed that Christians must offer the personal testimony of their relationship with Jesus Christ and their identification with him.

“He instructs us so that we will remain in his love without being conformed to the dictates of this world,” he said. “Thus, with our whole life, with the joy of knowing that we are loved by Jesus, whom we can call brother, we will be valid instruments for him to continue to attract all with the mercy that flows from his cross.”

The Pope encouraged: “Drink the vivifying water that flows from the side of the Savior and satiates with its crystalline freshness all those who thirst for justice, peace and truth; those who are submerged in the thick fog of sin or the darkness of violence. Feel the consolation of Christ and offer the balm of his love to the afflicted, those who are weighed down by sorrow or who have remained wounded by the coldness of indifference or the scourge of corruption.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Other Churches, Pope Benedict XVI, Roman Catholic

10 comments on “Benedict XVI: Friendship with Christ is our Greatest Treasure

  1. David+ says:

    The more this pope speaks, the more I think he is a Christian. Would that I could say the same for most of the TEO bishops.

  2. evan miller says:

    Pope Benedict had a very hard act to follow, but I think in his short time on the throne of Peter he already outshines his beloved predecessor. God grant him many more years of service in which to complete the much-needed reforms he has begun in his church.

  3. Jeffersonian says:

    #2, I couldn’t agree more. BXVI’s writings remind us that one can be a brilliant theologian without writing in impenetrable prose that is hedged and equivocated at every turn.

  4. CharlesB says:

    Gotta love this guy. What he says sound just like what we hear every service in our so-called lowly protestant evangelical church. Sounds like something you’d hear from Hybels, Warren or, heaven forbid, Schuler.

  5. Stuart Smith says:

    What a warm and welcome promotion of Faith in Jesus Christ. It’s like BXVI loves a Person…not a “vehicle for the divine”!

  6. HowieG says:

    It’s unfortunate that more Religious leaders, especially those in TEc(Cult), couldn’t take a lesson from BXVI. His Christ centered living is an example for all. No phoniness, no BS, just the Bible and the Word of God preached.


  7. Priest on the Prairie says:

    Now THERE’S an “evangelical catholic.”

  8. rob k says:

    No. 1 – Did you think at one time that he was not a Christian?

  9. CharlesB says:

    HowieG: Yes, but unfortunately for most of TEC there are those testy bits in Leviticus and Corinthians and other places about certain behaviors, and all that creation stuff in Genesis, too. For me and my house, we will accept the Bible and preaching like BVXI speaks.

  10. Words Matter says:

    RE: #2 – it’s always good to remember that B16 is a theologian, while JP the Great was a philosopher. For me, reading the latter was like wading through molasses while Benedict’s writing simply rolls along like a very good lecture given by a very good professor. It’s also true that we have JPG long enough to appreciate his flaws as well as his greatness. May that be said of Benedict as well!