Marriage Woes? Husband's Genes May Be At Fault

Men who are lacking in the romance department may have a new excuse to offer their wives or significant others: They can blame it on their DNA.

A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that a certain gene variant found in some men is linked to less bonding and more trouble in a long-term relationship.

The story of this gene starts not with men, but with prairie voles ”” small, furry rodents that have underground burrows. Prairie voles stay with one mate to raise their little ones. That’s intriguing, because other species of voles don’t do that.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Ethics / Moral Theology, Marriage & Family, Science & Technology, Theology

5 comments on “Marriage Woes? Husband's Genes May Be At Fault

  1. MargaretG says:

    Since infidelity is genetic, surely it needs to be blessed.

  2. robroy says:

    Polyamory here we come.

    Of course, this exposes what an embarrassingly ludicrous argument we have come to expect from the liberals.

  3. Saint Dumb Ox says:

    Yea, it’s not my fault. Nothing ever is, doan-cha-know.

    Stupid DNA. Always running my life. Why don’t I get to decide anything anymore? Should I seek counseling about this abusive relationship? Can I get out of it?

  4. Cennydd says:

    My question is this: What can a wife do about a domineering husband who insists on telling her who she can associate with, where she can work outside the home, how long their daughters’ hair must be, and whether or not she can even attend her best friend’s wedding?

  5. jeff marx says:

    This confirms what I have long believed. EVERY behavior has some genetic basis….
    As others above have made clear, this annihilates the morality based on scinece argument. Just as clearly, the Progressives could care less. They have already made up their minds.