COTA Contextualized

It all started in a storefront tea lounge. Watch it all.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, Parish Ministry

6 comments on “COTA Contextualized

  1. bob carlton says:

    What COTA is doing is really glorious – they are doing the work of missionaries in the midst of urban Seattle. Thanks be to God for the work of folks like Karen, Travis, Lacey and the folks that are part of this incredible community.

    I’d be curious if there are folks on the more conservative end of the pew (CANA, AMiA, ACC) who are animated by either Fresh Expressions in the U.K. ( or the emerging church phenomenon in the U.S. If you are interested, we have built a group on Facebook called Anglimergent (

  2. Ross says:

    I haven’t been to COTA since they moved out of the storefront, but I quite liked what I saw when I did go. Among other things, they were trying to find a way to build a service that was traditionally liturgical and contemporary at the same time; and while I wouldn’t have given good odds that such an attempt would succeed, they seemed to have pulled it off.

  3. David Wilson says:

    I appreciated this video very much, but I am curious to where Jesus fits into the whole picture since he was not mentioned once! Was that intentional? One person near the end said “We worship God through community” which is fine as far as it goes but it isn’t enough — know Christ or no Christian worship –emergent or not.

  4. John316 says:

    We’ve worshiped there and found Jesus all over the place. Since my visit, I believe I recall that they’ve had Nashota students living, working, and studying there at the Abbey. COTA is a great witness in a 90% unchurched neighborhood, may God continue to bless this Lutheran/Episcopal church plant.

    Thanks for posting this, I would have missed it if it weren’t for T19.

  5. Larry Morse says:

    I can’t get this visual. Who or what is COTA? LM

  6. Ross says:


    COTA is “Church of the Apostles,” an “emerging church” in Seattle. Here is their web site: