Noah Pollack: CNN’s Poll vs. CNN’s Spin

CNN’s poll of debate viewers blares a puzzling headline: “Round 1 in debate goes to Obama, poll says.”

But the poll itself actually doesn’t say that. This is blatant editorializing on the part of CNN….

Read the whole thing.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Media, US Presidential Election 2008

5 comments on “Noah Pollack: CNN’s Poll vs. CNN’s Spin

  1. William S says:

    Interesting – even the BBC this morning (UK time) commented that it seemed a tie, with if anything McCain coming away with slightly more to feel satisfied about.

  2. Ad Orientem says:

    I’m shocked, shocked to find that editorializing is going on in here!

    Apologies to Captain Renault

  3. GSP98 says:

    I haven’t owned a tellytube for about 2 1/2 years, but I learned to quite watching CNN-or NBC, ABC, or CBS for that matter, because I couldn’t stomach the far-left editorializing of the news. Ditto #2.

  4. GSP98 says:

    Aaaarrrgghh! Meant to say “but I learned long before then to quit…”

  5. Harvey says:

    I have learned to watch CNN and FOX. One is quite liberal, the other concervative. In doing so I get both sides of the story – somewhat. But the one thing I dislike about both stations is their tendency to say “..this is what they said but what they meant was..” They then waste the next one or two hours doing talkey-talkey. I don’t even bother watching NPR – its wasted time.