Professor Bainbridge: Bailout but no acorns for the pigs feeding at the federal trough

The more I understand about the current financial situation, the more I’m persuaded that some form of government bailout of the financial sector really is necessary. This is not to say that I love the Bernanke-Paulson plan. If time permitted and private financing were avilable, I’d very much prefer a plan that looked more like the Chrysler bailout, in which the government acted as a guarantor rather than a principal.

What’s not acceptable, however, are the barnacles already attaching themselves to the bailout.

Read it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, Economy, Politics in General, The September 2008 Proposed Henry Paulson 700 Billion Bailout Package

3 comments on “Professor Bainbridge: Bailout but no acorns for the pigs feeding at the federal trough

  1. Jeffersonian says:

    I’m relieved the ACORN-funding nonsense has been yanked..what an insult that was. I’m also glad to see the money is being passed out in a more controlled fashion than just $700b hog slop.

    That said, I think it probably could have been half this size and done far more.

  2. APB says:

    Indeed, the timing could not have been worse. Were this not an election year, and in the last 6 weeks at that, more time and less posturing would have resulted in a far less destructive bill. And of course there is the election itself which may well be skewed.

  3. Grandmother says:

    #1, where did you see that the “Acorn-funding nonsense” has been yanked, I read the article and saw “Acorn” mentioned as a trough piggy, but nil about taking that out.

    I wrote our Junior Senator, Jim DeMint, and told him to fight to get rid of it, haven’t heard anything yet. Also told him I would gladly join a class-action lawsuit to the Supreme Court to find that sort of funding unconstitutional, if in fact any of it is.

    Thanks for any info Jeffersonian,

    Grandmother in SC