A 23 year old Australian scientist Describes how she invented the I-Jet Solar Cell

The iJET is a new type of solar cell that’s cheap and easy to make, requiring not much more than a pizza oven, some nail polish remover, and a common inkjet printer. Australian scientist Nicole Kuepper describes her invention.

Listen to it all and note carefully HOW she made the discovery.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, Australia / NZ, Energy, Natural Resources, Science & Technology

3 comments on “A 23 year old Australian scientist Describes how she invented the I-Jet Solar Cell

  1. mark harris says:

    Kendall, et al. I read your blog daily (who cannot?) and want to congratulate the elves, and yourself, for posting all sorts of interesting things. Some I know simply reveal your abject spiritual poverty, what with obsessing about baseball and such, but some like this article really delight the heart. Accidents should happen more often.

    Oh and also thank you for consistently reminding all takers that there is still a war or two going on, and that life is more than what happens in Anglican land.

    A fan..

  2. TACit says:

    Hmmm, are you hinting, Kendall, that it was a little like the ‘accidental’ discovery of penicillin? An engaging interview, if one can listen through the Aussie inflections which can be a bit distracting.

  3. Irenaeus says:

    Solar power? How utopian, how redolent of MSM hysteria and world government! Which of our usual suspects will rush in to smear this scientist?