Students discuss impact of abortion on black community

Those statistics are supported by an Oct. 15 letter from Bishop Martin D. Holley, a member of the committee on pro-life activities of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Holley wrote that the more than 13 million babies lost to abortion is more than one third of the current black population in the United States.
“Since 1973, twice as many black Americans have died from abortion than from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer and heart disease combined,” he wrote. “Black women have abortions at five times the rate of white women.”

Merritt also spoke about studies that show abortion facilities such as Planned Parenthood are often built either near or in the middle of black communities.
“The event gave us an opportunity to get the facts about abortion out there, and to inform the NAACP about Birthright, a crisis pregnancy center in Columbia,” Black said. “Hopefully, now if those students or their friends face an unplanned pregnancy, they will have more information about choosing life.”

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, Life Ethics, Religion & Culture

5 comments on “Students discuss impact of abortion on black community

  1. azusa says:

    I can’t help thinking Al Gore would have won Florida and the presidency had it not been for the prevalence of abortion among blacks. And now in Obama Democrats have the most extreme advocate of abortion ever.

  2. Crypto Papist says:

    [url=]Abortion keeps things tidy.[/url]

  3. micah68 says:

    An all out assault on the gift of life. At the beginning and at the end. Look to Europe and the assisted suicide debate for the next wave.

  4. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Margaret Sanger’s stated vision has arrived with a vengeance.