Stephen Prothero: An election that is, and isn't, about God

The strongest evidence for a tectonic shift in America’s religio-political landscape, however, comes from a Faith in Public Life survey published in October. This poll shows an astonishing turnaround among Hispanic Protestants: from 63%-37% for Bush in 2004 to 50%-34% for Obama in 2008.

But the most telling data point comes in another Faith in Public Life survey, published by Public Religion Research: Americans see Obama as more friendly to religion than McCain. While 49% said Obama was “religion-friendly,” only 45% thought that description fit his GOP opponent, who in some moments during this campaign has seemed at least as pained discussing his faith as John Kerry did four years ago.

When we look back at the 2008 presidential election, we will of course reckon with a handful of big stories about gender and race. But religion matters, too, and the big religion story is this: Democrats have effectively neutralized a political weapon that Republicans had wielded masterfully at least since the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Religion & Culture, US Presidential Election 2008

3 comments on “Stephen Prothero: An election that is, and isn't, about God

  1. Dave C. says:

    My sense is that the media has always overstated (and continues to do so) the influence that perceived religiosity of candidates has on most voters. I would happily cast my vote for an avowed atheist over someone who attends church every Sunday and can quote Bible verses if I found the athiest came closer to my view on the issues most important to me than the church goer.

  2. Bob Lee says:

    I would say that the author is correct, that Obama IS “More open to religion”. One would HAVE to be “open” to sit in that church that he sat in for 20 years, and call yourself a Christian.


  3. Passing By says:

    “According to a New York Times/CBS News poll released in October, Roman Catholics, who in 2004 opted narrowly for Bush (52% to 47%), now prefer Obama by a wide margin (59% to 31%)”.

    So I guess none of them care about the pro-life doctrine of their Church. As usual, hypocrisy rules, which I find disgusting.