Florida's 27 electoral votes too close to call

Florida has only voted for one Democratic presidential candidate since backing Jimmy Carter in 1976 – Bill Clinton in 1996. Even then, Clinton only received 48 percent of the vote. President Bush carried Florida by only 537 votes in the 2000 election that took five weeks to sort out.

While Bush won by a more comfortable 381,000 votes in 2004, this year’s race is expected to be much closer. Since 2004, Democrats have added 461,000 voters to their rolls, compared to 172,000 more Republicans. And the number of black voters, who overwhelmingly vote Democratic, has increased by about 250,000 since 2004.

The campaigns are also competing for Florida’s nearly 1.4 million Hispanic voters, as well as large blocks of Jewish and elderly voters.

Read it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, US Presidential Election 2008

6 comments on “Florida's 27 electoral votes too close to call

  1. A Floridian says:

    I’m in FL and as a Christian, I could not vote for Obama at gunpoint.

    Everything he espouses is against Biblical Christianity and full of the spirit of anti-Christ that it is creepy.

    His spiritual beliefs, election tactics, economic and political policies all bode ill for America.

  2. Reid Hamilton says:

    Please, y’all. Is it possible to be a Christian and vote for Obama? I would like to think so! I am as partisan as anyone; but surely it’s a big jump from Obama to “anti-Christ.” Let’s remember that after the election there is a country to run, peace to wage, the hungry to feed, and yes, the gospel to preach. “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” Who said that, I wonder? Some Republican, I believe!

  3. Branford says:

    No, Reid, it’s not possible. Not because Obama is the “anti-Christ” – that’s just ridiculous, but because he advocates for abortion on demand as well as allowing those born alive through botched abortions to be refused medical treatment, in other words, infanticide. You can parse words all you like, but that’s a fact. And if you don’t honor life, then all the social programs and peace initiatives mean nothing.

  4. Branford says:

    And I write as someone who has in the past been a big supporter of Democratic candidates – I am not a party voter at all.

  5. A Floridian says:

    I didn’t say he was ‘the’ Antichrist (though I have heard some say it because of his messiah complex) I say he operates in the spirit that opposes or is anti- Christianity. Many predict will see persecution of Christians under his regime as he unites with the radical sexual agendites and socialists IF he is elected. Go listen to John Piper on the election at Stand Firm…and you will know there is only one true Messiah and one True Country that is our destination.. next stop after leaving Egypt, is Gethsemane, then Golgotha (your crucifixion) then…the long journey (setting your face like flint) toward… .Jerusalem, Moriah, Zion…Eternity….

  6. libraryjim says:

    A newspaper in Greece announced: An Obama win spells the end of Jewish dominance in the US government.

    Interesting — a) that this is seen as fact that there IS Jewish dominance, and b) that Obama will end it.

    Jim E.