Roman Catholic Bishop of Lexington: Election letter was matter of principle

Bishop Ronald Gainer said Monday that he wrote a letter stressing the church’s stance on abortion to the Lexington Diocese because he felt that too many Catholic politicians had misstated key Catholic teachings.

On Sunday, 64 parishes in the Lexington Diocese were read a letter written by Gainer that stressed that issues about the sanctity of life ”” including abortion ”” are morally more important than other political issues.

The letter, Gainer said Monday, was in response to several letters to the editor and statements made by Catholic politicians on a key Catholic document related to voting and citizenship.

“I mention no party and mention no candidates,” Gainer said of his letter. “Our policy is that we are non-partisan but principled.”

Read it all and the letter itself is there.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * Religion News & Commentary, Life Ethics, Other Churches, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic, US Presidential Election 2008

2 comments on “Roman Catholic Bishop of Lexington: Election letter was matter of principle

  1. Dan Crawford says:

    Sort of the stance taken by the bishops in the sex-abuse scandals.

  2. Chris Molter says:

    #1, maybe I’m thick headed, but I’m not tracking you. Care to elaborate?