Jim Lindgren: Changes That We Are Not Likely To See After the Election

What we are unlikely to see over the next four years is progress on serious defects in the press and the electoral process that this election revealed.

It is ironic that in 2008 we probably have two of the most honest and decent men running for president that we have had in a long time, and yet this has easily been the most corrupt election in my lifetime.

Read it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, US Presidential Election 2008

12 comments on “Jim Lindgren: Changes That We Are Not Likely To See After the Election

  1. APB says:

    Uh, he doesn’t by any chance work at 815? Those who do also seem to have a disconnect from reality on some issue. With all due respect.

  2. Dan Crawford says:

    I’ve been voting since 1965 – this election has been by far the most “corrupt” and vilest election in my memory. It does not bode well for the future of our democracy.

  3. Jeffersonian says:

    Behold the fruits of McCain-Feingold. [url=http://reason.com/blog/show/129865.html]LINK[/url]

  4. Little Cabbage says:

    Who is this Lindgren guy? APB, right on!

    The ‘vilest’ election since 1965?!?! No, my friend: that title is undoubtedly goes to the 2000, when GW Bush & Co went to the White House AFTER losing the popular vote! And what a heavy, heavy burden we all bear for allowing that to happen!

  5. libraryjim says:

    How many million people in the United States elegible to be president, and this is the best we can do????? 🙄

  6. Christopher Johnson says:

    You’ve never actually read the US Constitution, have you, #4? Typical.

  7. libraryjim says:

    I there have been three elections (1824, 1876, and 1888) where the Electoral College went against the popular vote. Since, as Christopher points out, the President is NOT elected by the Popular Vote, rather the PV is an indicator to the EC as to how to vote, but is not binding.

    Which is why I would caution either candidate against conceeding before the EC votes — not that they would listen to me!!! 😉

  8. libraryjim says:

    Oh, and the recounts showed the Bush and Cheney DID win the popular vote.

  9. Irenaeus says:

    In 2000, Gore received 51.0 million votes nationwide and Bush received 50.5 million. Thus Little Cabbage [#4] rightly states that Gore won the popular vote. Even Katherine Harris couldn’t change that.

  10. Irenaeus says:

    This has been the cleanest presidential campaign in decades.

  11. Dacama says:

    Obama ran the most corrupt election campaign in modern history. Beyond belief.

  12. Little Cabbage says:

    Irenaeus, don’t bother Dacama with the facts…. 😉