For your amusement, I report that the State of New York has ELEVEN Parties on the ballot: Republican, Democrat, Independence, Conservative, Working Families, Socialist Labor, another party with socialist in the title, Green (Cynthia McKinney), Libertarian (Bob Barr), and Populist (Ralph Nader.) McCain/Palin appear on 3 of the first four; and the Democrats and Working Families have Obama/Biden. I’d never heard of the two candidates who’ve been nominated by the two socialist parties.
–From one in the stream of emails today
Shall we play “can you top this”?
Florida’s ballot (Palm Beach County) had 13 presidential candidates on the list. I have no idea what most of the party initials stand for, since having received my absentee ballot by e-mail, I got no voter’s guide.
Here’s the list:
PSL (Gloria La Riva)
CPF (Baldwin)
PRO (Amondson)
Libertarian (Barr)
OBJ (Stevens)
SWP (Harris)
Green (McKinney)
AIP (Alan Keyes)
ECO (Nader)
SPF (Moore)
BTP (Jay)
That’s better than what we have in OK–you had two choices: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin. No third party candidates. No place to write in candidates. What a joke.