Proposed Resolutions for the Diocese of Missouri's Convention this past weekend

Check them out.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Diocesan Conventions/Diocesan Councils

6 comments on “Proposed Resolutions for the Diocese of Missouri's Convention this past weekend

  1. Creighton+ says:

    Not surprising considering the Leadership of the EC…..

  2. robroy says:

    Who exactly is hung up on homosexuality? Four of the six resolutions are gay activism. The other two are about money – clergy compensation and how to tax the parishes.

  3. mannainthewilderness says:

    It is a same that the diocese of MO does not have the same passion about evangelizing those in their midst who have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it has for normalizing behavior prohibited by the Bible. . .

  4. Ralinda says:

    D and E 169 passed as written, F 169 was revised as follows:
    Resolved, that this 169th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri submit the following resolution for consideration by the 76th General Convention of the Episcopal Church:
    Resolved, that the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music be charged with development of liturgies of blessing for same-gender commitments to be presented to the next triennial General Convention in 2012 for inclusion in the Book of Occasional Services, and
    Resolved, that in the meantime the Ecclesiastical Authority of each diocese may authorize for use in the diocese liturgies for blessing same-gender committed relationships of enduring love, mutuality, and fidelity, and
    Resolved, that, with respect to such blessings, no bishop or clergy of this Church or any other person acting on behalf of this Church shall be required or expected to perform an act contrary to a deeply-held position of conscience.

  5. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Yeah. That conscious-clause won’t last as long as the one respecting disagreement with women’s ordiantion did. The Bonnie Anderson compliance hit squad which boundary crossed into Texas will have its equivalent in compliance within months – if not weeks.
    “No act of Convention can bind a later Convention” is not just a national organization sentiment.

  6. Christopher Johnson says:

    Missouri seems to be dropping the mask which is a little surprising considering the situation here. I guess they figure that if a certain local Episcopal institution hasn’t moved by now, it’s never going to move and so the diocese can safely join the radicals.