Roderick Strange: Advent teaches us the deeper lessons of waiting

Nevertheless we realise on reflection that not all waiting is tedious. Waiting can be essential. Think of the grapes that have now been gathered. New wine is being prepared. The best must not be drunk too soon. We have to wait. By doing so we respect the vintage. Waiting is respectful. And it is more than respectful. It is also wise.

One aspect of that wisdom is something personal. When I have to wait, I realise I am not in control. I cannot make everything happen at my command. I may wish that I could, but that is fantasy, unreal. Waiting keeps me in touch with reality. Another aspect of that wise reality reminds me of others’ needs rather than my own. While waiting, I place myself at their service. It is not by chance that those who serve in restaurants are called “waiters”. And good waiters are also attentive, they watch.

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Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Religion News & Commentary, Advent, Church Year / Liturgical Seasons, Other Churches, Roman Catholic