The Dean of TESM: Responding to the Birth of a Province

Received via Email:

An after Chapel Address at Trinity School for Ministry
By the Very Rev Dr Justyn Terry, Dean and President
December 3, 2008

Today, in the town of Chicago, a new Province may be born. For some of you this will be a source of great joy and hope. For others of you it will be a source of great concern and discomfort. We have board members, faculty, staff, students and alumni on both sides of this. It is bound to be a time of tension. How are we to handle it? I ask us all to observe, and hold each other to account, to an ABC:

Be Aware of different feelings about all this. People with a high view of the Bible and a deep concern for world mission differ on how to respond to this crisis. Some see a need to withdraw from The Episcopal Church and realign with other parts of the Anglican Communion. Others see a need to stay in The Episcopal Church and witness to the Gospel from within. Both have deep concerns about where the leadership of The Episcopal Church is going. Both have a deep commitment to the Gospel. But they have reached very different conclusions about how to deal with it. Be aware of the differences.

Be Blameless in your talk. Controlling the tongue is notoriously hard, as James reminds us (Jas 3:8). But in this tense time, we need to be extra vigilant. Let us beware of letting our anger or our euphoria get the better of us. Let us look out for humor that puts other people down, and let us see instead how we can build others up. Remember Prov. 10:19: “When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.” Be blameless in your talk.

Be Constant in prayer. Pray everyday for those with whom you disagree. Pray for the leadership of The Episcopal Church, for great blessing to be upon them. Pray for the witness of the Church to a watching world. Be constant in prayer.

We have an opportunity here to learn about living in the tension of a fallen world. May the Lord grant us abundant grace for these times of testing.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, --Proposed Formation of a new North American Province, Common Cause Partnership, Seminary / Theological Education, Theology

8 comments on “The Dean of TESM: Responding to the Birth of a Province

  1. Bruce says:

    I’m very appreciative of Dean Terry’s thoughtful and spiritually mature leadership at Trinity during this period.

    Bruce Robison

  2. DeeBee says:

    Sounds like good advice for combox dialogue as well . . .

  3. Karen B. says:

    These seem to be some of the wisest words I’ve read in relation to the Anglican situation in quite awhile, though I also think Dean Munday of Nashotah had very wise words too! I’m thankful for both these deans and their wisdom and calm during troubled times.

  4. seitz says:

    Thanks to the new Dean Terry. Well stated.

  5. William Witt says:

    Justyn Terry spoke these words this morning in chapel while George Sumner (an old friend), Dean of Wycliffe, the Evangelical Anglican Seminary to the north of us, was visiting. Justyn has been a wonderful choice for Dean, and it was a great occasion to have George with us. Justyn’s words were sincerely spoken, and they are shared by the entire faculty of Trinity.

  6. Bernini says:

    With all due respect, I find it difficult to take this seriously. To wit:

    “Be Aware of different feelings about all this.”

    The “feelings” of orthodox Episcopalians/Anglicans have been discounted since the beginning of this crisis. Platitude after dialogue after indaba has been trotted out as a “way forward” or as “respectful listening to understand each other.” Where exactly has that gotten the Church? Ab-so-lutely nowhere. Now people are having a cow that like-minded Christians are taking responsibility for their own mission and desire to establish communion with each other. Can’t say that I’d blame the proposed members of this proposed new province if they just let out a big “Bite Me” to the naysayers and dithering worrywarts. A pox upon ’em all.

  7. physician without health says:

    This is outstanding indeed!

  8. RichardKew says:

    I am really very encouraged by this statement