Does Obama need to find a black church to call home?

President-elect Barack Obama says the historically black church moved him from a skeptic to a believer.

He has spoken appreciatively of its vibrant worship, written about how the black church experience has moved him to tears. And he has credited black congregations for their work in helping the powerless and in speaking truth to power.

But when he officially takes up residence in the White House, will the nation’s first black president attend a black church? And, in a larger sense, does it matter if he does or doesn’t?

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Religion & Culture, US Presidential Election 2008

4 comments on “Does Obama need to find a black church to call home?

  1. Ad Orientem says:

    First and last the President-elect needs to attend a Christian Church. The ethnic composition of the church is neither here nor there to me. But if being amongst persons of a similar ethnic and cultural background makes him more comfortable I have no issue with it provided the church is Christian.

    Under the mercy,

    An [url=]Orthodox [/url] Christian

  2. Sidney says:

    He’d have to find a black church where the pastor isn’t going to embarrass him. He doesn’t want to get asked if he agreed with a particular controversial sermon.

    I think it’ll be a mainliner, if he goes to any church at all. I don’t see any (political) reason he has to go to church at all.

  3. Cennydd says:

    Does he need to attend a black church? NO!

  4. Harvey says:

    I agree that it really doesn’t matter what christian church he attends For this issue I shall remain color-blind. Black soldiers have fought and died for our contry’s freedom; and you know something their blood ran just as red as mine!!