Chicago Tribune Editorial: 'Get 'em . . . out'

The Tribune’s guiding principles list four roles for the editorial page: to serve as a check on the power of government, to set an agenda for the Chicago region and the nation, to make persuasive arguments for the enactment of that agenda, and to inform and guide its readers so they can make better decisions as citizens.

So we have criticized Blagojevich for his reckless stewardship of state finances, his refusal to work with the legislature, his unabashed trafficking in political favors. We’ve questioned why the governor dragged his feet on signing an ethics bill and why his hand-picked Tollway Authority Board was in such a hurry to approve a vaguely conceived $1.8 billion plan to add high occupancy lanes; Tuesday’s documents hint at some compelling answers. Last year, we started a discussion that led to a failed attempt at adding a recall provision to the state constitution, with Blagojevich as Exhibit A. We stopped short of urging impeachment, aware that a criminal investigation was under way, but the court documents released Tuesday make it clear the governor wanted to short-circuit such a campaign.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Media, Politics in General

4 comments on “Chicago Tribune Editorial: 'Get 'em . . . out'

  1. robroy says:

    [blockquote] On Tuesday, U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald alleged that Blagojevich had made the suggestion before, and not politely. Instructing his chief of staff about negotiations with Tribune officials who hoped to sell Wrigley Field with financial assistance from the state, Blagojevich spelled out his terms: “Fire all those [expletive] people, get ’em the [expletive]out and get us some editorial support.”[/blockquote]
    I really don’t know which I find more appalling, the laying out terms to get the appointment to the soon to be empty Obama Senate seat (a better paying job for his wife and an ambassadorship for him) or this attack on the freedom of the press.

  2. Summersnow says:

    Ooooo! The last 24 hours have been fun here in Chi-Town. The only thing I can say is, “Finally!!!”

  3. Dilbertnomore says:

    Gov. Blagojevich committed the ultimate sin that cannot be tolerated in the Daley Political Machine (DPM) – he got caught!

    The DPM has only one Commandment and he violated it; “Thou shalt do no thing which focuses the light of day upon the real activities of the DPM!”
    There is a Sub-Commandment which is; “If thou voilateth the Commandment, thou shalt dispose of thyself in the manner of Jimmy Hoffa to ‘dead end’ any criticism of the DPM.”

    Gov. Blagojevich violated the Commandment and the Sub-Commandment in a most deplorable manner. He will be dealt with most severely. Adapting the wisdom of St. John Chrysostom, “The floor of hell is paved with bishops and violators of the Commandment and the Sub-Comandment.” (Sorry to equate the scum to the Daley Political Machine with bishops (in the Chrysostom context) – I meant no offense to the scum of the DPM.)

  4. Crabby in MD says:

    “The Tribune’s guiding principles list four roles for the editorial page: to serve as a check on the power of government, to set an agenda for the Chicago region and the nation, …”

    Since when does a newspaper “set an agenda”? Did I miss something? Sounds awfully self-important to me. I would be way too tempted to knock them right off that pedestal they built, if you know what I mean! Looks like Bladojovich was tempted too!