Could you live like Jesus for a year? This pastor tried

The Rev. Ed Dobson has spent most of his life following Jesus. But only now does he realize how hard it is to live like him.

The retired megachurch pastor and one-time architect of the religious right has spent the last year trying to eat, pray, talk and even vote as Jesus would. His revelation: Being Jesus is tough.

“I’ve concluded that I am a follower, but I’m not a very good one,” Dobson said. “If you get serious about the Bible, it will really mess you up.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Religion News & Commentary, Christology, Evangelicals, Other Churches, Parish Ministry, Theology

3 comments on “Could you live like Jesus for a year? This pastor tried

  1. Carolina Anglican says:

    I recommend reading the book “The Year of Living Biblically” by A.J. Jacobs You will enjoy his writing and his humor. He really tries to live Biblically and that takes him on quite a journey. It is also enlightening to see someone really trying to live like a Jew and then as a Christian.

  2. MargaretG says:

    or you could watch the video of him on which is also good.

  3. nwlayman says:

    Sigh. Jesus, oddly enough, is *not* living in Judea, walking around, preaching, crossing the Sea of Galilee in boats, directing fishermen…He is seated at the right hand of the Father, from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end. That’s the here and now. Did everyone miss the Ascension; it’s there every year, just a few weeks after Easter, right before Pentecost? I expect if you don’t believe in the resurrection then you needn’t believe in the ascension and all the that. In which case you’re stuck with putting on a bathrobe and pretending you’re in a biblical epic movie. Those who actually want to live at *all* have to live now. Jesus is now to be seen, should you be so unusual to do so, rather like Rev 1:12-17. Living like him is best accomplished by receiving communion, and it helps to be in a church that believes that’s real. Not given to just anyone.