A BBC Today Programme Audio Segment: Will Gaza conflict radicalise UK Muslims?

A group of prominent Muslims has written to the prime minister to express concern about the impact of events in Gaza on Muslim opinion in the UK. Jewish groups in France say there has been an increase in anti-Semitic attacks because of the conflict in the Middle East. Parvin Ali, of the Fatima Women’s Network, and Rabbi Gabriel Farhi, discuss the impact of the conflict in Western countries.

Listen to it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, England / UK, Europe, Islam, Israel, Judaism, Middle East, Other Faiths, Violence

5 comments on “A BBC Today Programme Audio Segment: Will Gaza conflict radicalise UK Muslims?

  1. Jeffersonian says:

    What, radicalize those nice fellows with the “SLAY THOSE WHO INSULT ISLAM”, “MAY ALLAH MAKE A MUSHROOM CLOUD OVER ISRAEL” and “FREEDOM GO TO HELL” posters? Surely you jest. They aren’t in the slightest bit excitable.

    The woman was particularly delightful in her exhorting the UK government to more stridently denounce Israel (picking up the leftist trope of disproportionality perfectly), with subtle allusions to violence if none is forthcoming. The heckler’s veto is morphing into the thug’s policy statement.

  2. Todd Granger says:

    Well put, Jeffersonian.

  3. libraryjim says:

    If nothing is done, the muslim extremists see it as a proof that their ‘enemy’ the infidel is weak, and a sign they are to conquer. If strong action is taken, it will been seen as a sign that they (the M.E.) are held in contempt and their ‘enemy’ the infidel is to be conquered for their blasphemy against their god.

    To the ME, there is no stance the ‘infidel’ can take that will not radicalize their position.

  4. Cennydd says:

    Remember this: The goal of Islam hasn’t changed ever since the religion’s founding, and that goal is the complete Islamization of the entire world. Their message to us “infidels” is “convert, submit, or die!” “Slay the infidel” has as much meaning now as it has ever had. Their idea of “peace” is peace on THEIR terms, and it will never change!

  5. Jeffersonian says:

    Oh, and it should be added here that the lunatic slogans I posted above are real, and in response to the publication of a handful of [i]cartoons[/i].

    Perhaps we should ask what doesn’t radicalize these gents, no?