Google Earth dives under the sea

Google has lifted the lid on its first major upgrade to its global mapping software, Google Earth.

Google Ocean expands this map to include large swathes of the ocean floor and abyssal plain.

Users can dive beneath a dynamic water surface to explore the 3D sea floor terrain.

The map also includes 20 content layers, containing information from the world’s leading scientists, researchers, and ocean explorers.

Al Gore was at the launch event in San Francisco which, Google hopes, will take its mapping software a step closer to total coverage of the entire globe.

Read it all and the new Google ocean link is here.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Blogging & the Internet, Energy, Natural Resources

2 comments on “Google Earth dives under the sea

  1. A Floridian says:

    As mapping technology increases, so does surveillance capability:

    Anyone remember the eerie TV show in the 70s where the ‘global police’ had complete control and people who dissented or got out of line were chased and pinned down by a big white ball?

  2. IchabodKunkleberry says:

    Was that “The Prisoner”, starring the recently deceased Patrick
    McGoohan ?