Notable and Quotable (I)

I mean, yesterday in a staff meeting, one of my staffers got a call that was obviously important. She took the call and left the room on her little cell phone, came back, looked stricken. We said, “What’s wrong?” She said she had just learned her husband had lost his job.

That sort of thing is scaring the daylights out of people, and it’s happening a lot. Everybody knows a dozen people who’ve been laid off.

–Mark Funkhouser, Mayor of Kansis City, on the Lehrer News Hour Friday evening (and quoted in this morning’s sermon by KSH)


Posted in * Economics, Politics, Economy, Labor/Labor Unions/Labor Market, The Credit Freeze Crisis of Fall 2008/The Recession of 2007--

6 comments on “Notable and Quotable (I)

  1. libraryjim says:

    And Y’all know one!

    Still looking, still sending out tons of applications and letters of interest, still no interviews, savings account still shrinking. 🙂

  2. libraryjim says:

    Oh, and so far, spirits still positive, stress only occasionally peaks into the red zone. God WILL provide before crisis point is hit.

  3. Words Matter says:

    libraryjim –

    Been there, and indeed God does provide. It wasn’t an easy time for me, but it was a good time. God bless you; you’ll be in my prayers.

  4. evan miller says:

    Tough times indeed. Three weeks ago, my son signed the lease and moved into his first apartment on Sunday afternoon. On Tuesday morning he was laid off.

  5. Frances Scott says:

    July 1997, 61, unemployed, and homeless, I moved in with my daughter. We got through that, I was lead to the job I had prepared for all my life, I thought, remarried in 2000 and now have a nice home and a guest house. February 2009, my daughter and her husband, unemployed, have moved in with their son and his family.
    My daughter understands that this is just part of the cycle of having and having not…God is in charge, it will be alright, and in the meantime they have the opportunity to look after and enjoy the three grandsons.
    God knows our needs and He supplies them, our greeds are another category.
    Frances Scott

  6. libraryjim says:

    [i]God knows our needs and He supplies them, our greeds are another category. [/i]

    And yet, every Monday, when my wife takes out money for the week, I’m treated to a lecture on the need for getting a job QUICKLY.

    And in our case, it isn’t a greed category, more like a comfort zone factor (which as I said, is shrinking rapidly).

    Because we own our house, debt free, and because I was let go before my probation period expired, we are not eligible to get ‘governmental assistance’, even if we wanted it.

    Jim Elliott <><