Terry Mattingly: Who can argue with Gene Robinson

Once again, these statements are almost certainly accurate, but how would one verify them? Later in the article, the gay clergy issue is broadened to include gay and lesbian church musicians and parish officers.

Please do not misunderstand. I am not saying that this story is not valid. I am also not saying that Gledhill should not have written it. I am simply noting that this is a classic case in which a reporter would have to work very hard to create any kind of skeleton of facts on which to hang all of these sweeping statements of opinion that are beyond verification. Where do you get “facts”? Private polls?

Sigh. What to do?

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Conflicts

6 comments on “Terry Mattingly: Who can argue with Gene Robinson

  1. art+ says:

    In the article by Gledhill you will see that she is posting an interview by Andrew Collier and is not one she did herself

  2. wvparson says:

    Most of us go through periods of doubt. That’s not the issue. “Lord I believe; help thou my unbelief.” Nor do I quarrel particularly with a college chaplain who seeks to give space to a young doubter who, nevertheless wants to participate in worship rather than throw in the towel because he or she can’t believe all the articles of the Creed.

    It’s a long stretch from this to making unbelief a commanding feature of Anglicanism. As I’ve written elsewhere, I delight in the fact that we still seem to attract people from other denominations, but one would wish that once they are here, they would embrace that which the Prayer Book offers, rather than using Anglicanism as a bully pulpit to denounce the things left behind and in the process assume that Anglicans too need to renounce the very elements of faith which have contributed to what not very long ago could still be termed “The Genius of Angicanism.”

    I have no idea whether the Bishop of New Hampshire continues to embrace credal agnosticism, but if he does, I find this more disturbing than his views on sexual orientation.

  3. Peter dH says:

    [blockquote]I have no idea whether the Bishop of New Hampshire continues to embrace credal agnosticism, but if he does, I find this more disturbing than his views on sexual orientation.[/blockquote]
    Well, once cut loose from the anchor, it’s not surprising that the entire ship goes adrift.

  4. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    When I googled Robinson and this story, up popped [url=http://goodjesuitbadjesuit.blogspot.com/2007/07/motus-have-gay-episcopalian-gene.html]this[/url] which seems to pretty much sum it up:

    [blockquote]This story is not Jesuit in nature but is so disturbing that attention needs to be paid to it.

    Gene Robinson attacks the Niceane Creed
    Gene Robinson attacks his own conservative Protestant roots.
    Gene Robinson attacks The Roman Catholic Church.
    Gene Robinson attacks Pope Benedict XVI
    Gene Robinson attacks Anglican bishops.

    Notice the lack of morality and the lack of discussion of morality.

    So much for embracing diversity[/blockquote]

  5. Bob Lee says:

    So much for embracing diversity


  6. libraryjim says:

    “Who can argue with Gene Robinson?”
    Quite a lot of people, actually.