Vicky Evans: Is ideology trumping science and money?

On March 9, President Obama signed an executive order lifting restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. This is not surprising. It was a campaign promise. What is surprising is that, at the very time the federal government is throwing its full faith and credit behind experimentation on human embryos, science appears to have progressed away from embryonic stem cell research, leaving the government – and politicians – in the dust.

Whatever you thought about the Bush Administration’s limitations on funding for embryonic stem cell research, that policy decision had the effect of promoting scientific research on alternative and ethical sources for stem cells. It is likely that these avenues of research would not have been pursued if all available funds had been channeled into embryo research. These avenues have been among the most successful in developing the promised cures that embryonic stem cells have failed to even begin to achieve. The most notable ethical stem cell advancements have taken place on three fronts.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Health & Medicine, Law & Legal Issues, Life Ethics, Other Churches, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic, Science & Technology

4 comments on “Vicky Evans: Is ideology trumping science and money?

  1. A Floridian says:

    Idealogy and pressure have trumped science in psychology and psychiatry for decades since the ‘gays’ stormed those conventions and took over the platforms….

    Idealogy and pressure have trumped justice and truth in government and courts in Canada (‘gay’ activism) and the UK (muslim sharia law)…

    Idealogy threatens theology and churches…and some denominations have given place to idealogy.

    However, in those churches and individuals WHO KNOW AND LIVE IN GOD’S TRUTH AND PRESENCE, idealogy will find it has no place or power.

    There are also people in idealogy’s deathly grasp who have escaped its talons and learned that Jesus Christ is THE Lord, and have found the freedom, joy, peace that He alone can give those who come to Him. They are coming to Christ one by one in great numbers in those countries held by idealogy.
    The harder idealogy squeezes, claws, and kills, the faster they come to Jesus Christ. His beauty is even greater and more prominent in the contrast between evil and darkness and goodness and light.

    Human beings were made for the Truth, Love, Life, Hope, Peace, Joy and Light of Jesus Christ. He is the One we yearn for and humans cannot find rest until we find Him.

    Here are just a few examples:

    Sin is sin and false gods are false gods.

  2. A Floridian says:

    In another area, Christ is trumping idealogy as people are coming from the culture death to the Kingdom of Life. Due to the work of Christian pregnancy centers all over the world, women and men are learning of the love of Jesus Christ and precious lives are being saved from the murder of abortion.
    Right now, during Lent, there is a 40 Days For Life prayer campaign and so far, Day 19 – 161 babies have been saved…and their mothers and fathers are being given a chance to give life not death.
    On day ten of this campaign, post-abortive women and men stood with signs saying they regret their abortions.

    They tell their stories about the losses of humanity, peace, health, and other harm and havoc abortion wreaked in their lives here:

    Several friends have had abnormal tests and were advised by doctors to abort, but refused…their children were normal healthy babies.

    Heisman winner, Tim Tebow’s mother was also advised to abort him.

    This political administration is a bloodthirsty one and a friend to pansexual agendas…from Obama to Pelosi to Sebelius, things are looking good for the culture of lust and death.

    However, Jesus Christ trumps idealogies, evil, death and deceptions.

    The Life of Jesus Christ trumps idealogy…but Christians must speak and act – for the unborn and to give help and courage to the mothers whose lives are in peril.

  3. vulcanhammer says:

    [url=]Charles Krauthammer evidently has similar doubts, coming from an different perspective.[/url]

    As an engineer, it irks me to no end to watch people characterise this position or that one as “scientific” when a) their position doesn’t have anything to do with science and b) their training doesn’t either.

  4. Harvey says:

    Why not just close off the $ for embryonic since it appears we don’t need it ?? Hmm!!